Tech Note 15: Using SQLite
SQLite is a fast, popular and easy to use database. Using some controls from NewObjects.com, it's easy to integrate SQLite into NS Basic/CE or NS Basic/Desktop applications. Best of all, it's free. Its speed and easy of use make it a practical choice for use when you need an indexed file system for an app. Databases you create can be accessed, without change, using SQLite on a Windows CE system or on any other platform SQLite runs on.
SQLite COM (or precisely SQLite3 COM) is a zero-configuration, in-process, SQL database engine which is implemented in a single DLL. It is a member of the newObjects ActiveX Pack1 Family and depends on the AXPack1 core DLL only.
The SQLite COM is based on the source code of the version 3.3.5 of the popular SQLite database engine (see http://www.sqlite.org). However SQLite COM contains not only the engine but also the COM interface to it and set of added features making it more convenient for Windows environments.
There are two sets of commands: the ones implemented as part of the wrapper control, and the SQLite commands themselves, called using the wrapper's Execute function. Documentation on the wrapper's functions comes with AXPack1; documentation on SQLite itself is here.
NS Basic/Desktop installs the SQLite control automatically, so there is no need to download or install anything before use. If you are redistributing your app, make sure you include NewObjectsPack1.dll and SQLite3ComUTF8.dll.
To use the controls with NS Basic/CE, you must run the AXPack.xxx.exe installer from the Run menu in the IDE to install the controls to your device. If you are redistributing your app, make sure you include NewObjectsPack1.dll and SQLite3ComUTF8.dll.
To see a sample of NS Basic code using SQLIte, click here.
You can download the full documentation for these controls from http://www.newobjects.com/downloads/NDLInstall.zip
If you are creating an installer for your customers, the two files that you must include are SQLite3ComUTF8.dll and NewObjectsPack1.dll.
AddObject "newObjects.sqlite3.dbutf8","db"This will create an object called 'db' which will perform the database operations for you.
SQLite keeps the entire database in a single physical file. Use the Open method to open the file. If it does not exist, it is opened:
'Open the database If db.Open("Name.db") Then 'create the database if it doesn't exist yet db.AutoType = True db.TypeInfoLevel = 4 Else MsgBox "Error on db.Open: " & db.lastError End IfIf it opens sucessfully, we set a couple of options: setting AutoType to True means that database values will automatically get their types from the data that is assigned to them, much like NS Basic does with all variables. TypeInfoLevel=4 sets the level of type info returned by the Execute method to a reasonable level of data for debugging. Setting TypeInfoLevel to 0 would require less processing. You'll want to read more about this in the AXPack1 documentation as you get more experienced.
If step 4 created a new database file, it will be empty. A database is made up of tables. A Table is simply a collection of records with a defined format. We can see if our table exists as follows:
On Error resume next Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") On Error Goto 0 If Left(db.lasterror, 13)="no such table" Then Call createDatabaseWe attempt to get a set of records. This is our first use of the Execute statement, which sends a command to the SQLite engine. We ask it to select all the records in the NameDB table. If the NameDB table hasn't been created yet, we need to do so.
The SELECT command is very powerful - you can use it to collect all kinds of different sets of records. Read more about it in the SQL Documentation.
cmd="CREATE TABLE NameDB(""FirstName"", ""LastName"","" Age"", PRIMARY KEY(""FirstName""))" On Error resume next Set res=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.lasterror<>"" Then MsgBox "Create Table error " & db.lasterrorFor convenience, we build the next command for SQLite in a string, then feed it to the Execute method. The double quote signs inside a string resolve themselves into single quotes, so the actual command to SQL is:
CREATE TABLE NameDB("FirstName", "LastName","Age", PRIMARY KEY("LastName"))We're creating a table with three columns, indexed by the first name: each record therefore has 3 fields. There are, of course, many more options on this command.
cmd="INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ""NameDB"" VALUES( """ & tbFirstName.text & """,""" & tbLastName.text &""",""" & tbAge.text & """)" showstatus cmd On Error resume next Set r=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.LastError<>"" Then MsgBox "INSERT error: " & db.lasterrorOnce again, all the quotes get resolved in the command. The actual command sent to SQLite is:
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO "NameDB" VALUES("John","Kemeny","80")Using the last name as the key, the record is added or replaced. Once again, there are many more options on this command: we're just trying to get you started here. Once you have added the record, you'll need to do your selection again. It won't to automatically added.
Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") showStatus "Database now has " & records.count & " records."
This is pretty easy:
cmd="DELETE FROM NameDB WHERE lastname = """ & tbLastName.Text & """" On Error resume next Set r=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.LastError<>"" Then MsgBox "DELETE error: " & db.lasterrorThe command sent to SQLite resolves to:
DELETE FROM NameDB WHERE lastname = "Kemeny"
When we did the SELECT command, the result was put into the records object. Using that, we can easily get at any field in any record. This code fills a comboBox with a list of all the records:
cbList.clear For row=1 To records.count cbList.addItem records(row)(1) & " " & records(row)(2) NextTreat the records as a large array. The first argument is the record number and the second is the field in the record. In this case, we're adding the first and list name of from each record as a line in the combobox.
When you are done using a table, it is important to close it. Otherwise, many work files could be left in memory.
You can copy this code, save it as a .txt file, then open it in NS Basic. It is also in the Samples folder.
'SQLite -- Show some simple SQLite operations 'This program runs on Windows XP, 2000 and CE 'This program will compile in NS Basic/Desktop and NS Basic/CE. 'See http://www.nsbasic.com for more information 'This program show how to create a simple SQLite database and do additions and deletions.. 'The code may be copied freely. AddObject "newObjects.sqlite.dbutf8","db" Dim records 'The current record set Dim rec 'The current record number openDatabase Sub Form1_Load form1.caption="SQLite Demo" showStatus "Welcome to SQLite Version " & db.SQLiteVersion showStatus "NameDB database opened with " & records.count & " records." 'Display the first record in the database rec=1 displayRecord(rec) End Sub Sub cbSave_Click Dim cmd Dim r If tbLastName.text="" Then Exit Sub cmd="INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ""NameDB"" VALUES( """ & tbFirstName.text & """,""" & tbLastName.text &""",""" & tbAge.text & """)" showstatus cmd On Error resume next Set r=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.LastError<>"" Then MsgBox "INSERT error: " & db.lasterror 'Get new selection, now that a record has been added Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") showStatus "Database now has " & records.count & " records." End Sub Sub cbDelete_Click Dim cmd cmd="DELETE FROM NameDB WHERE lastname = """ & tbLastName.Text & """" showStatus cmd On Error resume next Set r=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.LastError<>"" Then MsgBox "DELETE error: " & db.lasterror 'Get new selection, now that a record has been added Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") showStatus "Database now has " & records.count & " records." 'display new record since current one was deleted If rec>1 Then rec=rec-1 Else rec=records.count End If displayRecord(rec) End Sub Sub openDatabase 'Open the database If db.Open("Name.db") Then 'create the database if it doesn't exist yet db.AutoType = True db.TypeInfoLevel = 4 Else MsgBox "Error on db.Open: " & db.lastError End If 'Get the initial selection of all records On Error resume next Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") On Error Goto 0 If Left(db.lasterror, 13)="no such table" Then Call createDatabase End Sub Sub createDatabase Dim cmd Dim res cmd="CREATE TABLE NameDB(""FirstName"", ""LastName"","" Age"", PRIMARY KEY(""FirstName""))" On Error resume next Set res=db.Execute(cmd) On Error Goto 0 If db.lasterror<>"" Then MsgBox "Create Table error " & db.lasterror 'Get the initial selection of records - it will be empty at first Set records=db.Execute("Select * from NameDB") End Sub Sub cbForward_Click If rec < records.count Then rec=rec+1 displayRecord(rec) End Sub Sub cbBack_Click If rec > 1 Then rec=rec-1 displayRecord(rec) End Sub Sub displayRecord(n) If n<1 Or n>records.count Then Exit Sub tbFirstName.Text = records(n)(1) tbLastName.Text = records(n)(2) tbAge.Text = records(n)(3) showStatus "Record " & n & " of " & records.count End Sub Sub showStatus(txt) tbStatus.text=txt & vbcrlf & tbStatus.Text End Sub Sub cbList_DropDown cbList.clear For row=1 To records.count cbList.addItem records(row)(1) & " " & records(row)(2) Next End Sub Sub cbList_Change rec=cbList.ListIndex+1 displayRecord(rec) End Sub Sub Output_Close db.close End Sub '*** Begin Generated Code *** Dim AppEXEName: AppEXEName = "SQLite" Dim AppPath: AppPath = "E:\NSBD2\Files\technotes\TN05\SQLite.txt" Form1_Show 'Default Form Dim Form1_Temp Sub Form1_Show On Error Resume Next UpdateScreen If IsEmpty(Form1_Temp) Then AddObject "Frame", "Form1_Form", 0, 0, Output.Width, Output.Height Form1_Form.Visible = False Form1_Form.BackColor = 12632256 AddObject "PictureBox", "Form1", 0, 0, 0, 0, Form1_Form Form1.BorderStyle = 0 Form1.Move 0, 0, Form1_Form.Width * 15, Form1_Form.Height * 15 Set Form1_Temp = Form1 Form1_Form.Caption = "Form1" Execute "AddObject " & chr(34) & "Form" & chr(34) & ", " & chr(34) & "Form1" & chr(34) & ", 0, 0, 240, 320, Form1_Form" '-------- AddObject "Label", "lbFirstName", 12, 16, 56, 21, Form1_Form lbFirstName.BackColor = 12632256 lbFirstName.Caption = "First Name" lbFirstName.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "Label", "lbLastName", 12, 44, 56, 21, Form1_Form lbLastName.BackColor = 12632256 lbLastName.Caption = "Last Name" lbLastName.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "Label", "lbAge", 12, 72, 56, 21, Form1_Form lbAge.BackColor = 12632256 lbAge.Caption = "Age" lbAge.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "TextBox", "tbFirstName", 112, 16, 120, 20, Form1_Form tbFirstName.BackColor = 16777215 tbFirstName.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "TextBox", "tbLastName", 112, 44, 120, 20, Form1_Form tbLastName.BackColor = 16777215 tbLastName.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "TextBox", "tbAge", 112, 72, 120, 20, Form1_Form tbAge.BackColor = 16777215 tbAge.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "CommandButton", "cbSave", 48, 104, 68, 20, Form1_Form cbSave.Caption = "Save" cbSave.FontSize = 8.25 cbSave.BackColor = 12632256 '-------- AddObject "CommandButton", "cbDelete", 124, 104, 68, 20, Form1_Form cbDelete.Caption = "Delete" cbDelete.FontSize = 8.25 cbDelete.BackColor = 12632256 '-------- AddObject "CommandButton", "cbBack", 12, 104, 20, 20, Form1_Form cbBack.Caption = "<" cbBack.FontBold = True cbBack.FontSize = 8.25 cbBack.BackColor = 12632256 '-------- AddObject "CommandButton", "cbForward", 212, 104, 20, 21, Form1_Form cbForward.Caption = ">" cbForward.FontBold = True cbForward.FontSize = 8.25 cbForward.BackColor = 12632256 '-------- AddObject "ComboBox", "cbList", 12, 132, 220, 100, Form1_Form cbList.BackColor = 16777215 cbList.FontSize = 8.25 '-------- AddObject "TextBox", "tbStatus", 12, 160, 216, 92, Form1_Form tbStatus.BackColor = 16777215 tbStatus.FontSize = 8.25 tbStatus.MaxLength = 1000 tbStatus.Multiline = True tbStatus.Scrollbars = 3 '-------- End If Form1_Form.Visible = True Form1_Load End Sub 'Form1_Show Sub Form1_Hide If IsEmpty(Form1_Temp) Then Err.Raise 44000, , "Form not loaded" Exit Sub End If On Error Resume Next Form1_Form.Visible = False Form1_Unload End Sub 'Form1_Hide '*** End Generated Code ***