Special Offer for
NS Basic/Newton Users 
With the announcement of NS Basic for Palm and Windows CE devices, we
haven't forgotten the Newton. We have a special price of $99.95
for registered users of NS Basic/Newton when they buy NS Basic/CE or Palm.
(Save $50.00!) And of course, we will continue to sell and support
NS Basic for the Newton - it's a great product. |
Product News
The Winners
The NewtCard Stack Design contest has been judged and the
results are in. Read about the stacks and then go to the downloads
page to try them out for yourself.
NewtCard Updater 1.01, and NS Basic Updater
3.61 are availabile from the downloads
"I received NS BASIC last Friday and I am very impressed with
this product." -- Bertram Zinner, February 2003