Reviewer's Guide August 1, 2005
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Thank you for reviewing our product, NS Basic/Palm 5. This document is intended to help you get the answers you need quickly. If there's something you can't find, please us at support© nsbasic.com. We'll be happy to help.
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NS Basic/Palm provides a rapid application development environment.
It is quickly usable by Visual Basic programmers with little or no introduction.
NS Basic/Palm is based on the language and development environment that Visual Basic programmers are used to, optimized for the Palm OS environment. A Palm OS device is not the same as a Windows desktop.
NS Basic/Palm is designed to take maximum advantage of the Palm architecture. Making use of code in the ROM of every Palm OS device, NS Basic has several advantages
A powerful feature of NS Basic/Palm is its ability to call standard Palm OS Shared Libraries. These work much like controls do on a Windows desktop, adding features to the core NS Basic product. Since they can be made using standard development tools such as CodeWarrior and PilRC, it is easy for third parties and users to extend the functionality of the language.
Programs in NS Basic/Palm can be any size - there is no 64K limit. It supports full color and 32 bit floating point numbers.
Applications can be compiled with the runtime, to create a single executable. This makes distributing NS Basic apps easy. Programs may be distributed royalty free.
There is full support for double byte languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew and Greek. Documentation and support are available in English, Japanese, Chinese and German.
Last, but not least, the standard version of NS Basic/Palm has more power than the 'professional' version of other products, at a price that is affordable to all. Furthermore, no other software (such as VB, Visual Studio or .Net) is required to run NS Basic/Palm.
The executables produced will run on any Palm device using Palm OS 3.0 or later. This includes devices from PalmOne, Tapwave, Symbol, Sony, Kyocera, HandEra, Handspring, IBM and others. Many of these devices have additional features not found in regular Palms: Shared libraries are supplied to provide the full functionality.
There are also a couple of tutorials. Run them from the start menu of your system after you install NS Basic/Palm.
There is also a complete downloadable demo of the NS Basic/Palm development environment. Includes reference documentation and tutorials. Apps created will only function for 5 days. Buy the complete version for full documentation and no restrictions. (10 megs)
Orders can be placed online or through dealers at
A list of frequently asked questions is posted here:
You can also visit the busy NS Basic/Palm Web Board:
The company's tools have always been grounded in BASIC, the most commonly used programming language. Virtually all programmers are familiar with the language: it's always been a reliable way of getting from point A to point B. It has a gentle learning curve as well, making it suitable for new or rusty programmers.
NS Basic/Palm, released in 2000, is by no means the only development tool released by the company. It is complemented by NS Basic/CE, for Windows CE and Pocket PC devices. The company was also responsible for NS Basic/Newton and for Newtcard, a Hypercard-like product for the now defunct Newton.
All of the company's products come with complete and concise hardcopy documentation. The products are well supported with regular updates. Support is offered directly by the company (support© nsbasic.com) and by very active web boards on Yahoo Groups.