Tech Note 13: Using the ScreenLib Shared LibraryOct 21, 2003© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved. |
(Special thanks to Ron Glowka) s
The ScreenLib Shared Library adds functions to NS Basic/Palm to enhance control of the screen. It allows you to change the bit depth and color attributes. There are also drawing functions and a screen lock function. A sample program demonstrating the use of the functions called ScreenLibTest is also included.
By providing access to the the PalmOS WinScreenMode API function, ScreenLib provides methods for determining a PalmOS device's bit depth and color capabilities and for setting the "screen mode" to take advantage of these capabilities. It eliminates the need for using third-party applications to perform these functions prior to running your NSBasic program.
A copy of the PalmOS documentation for the WinScreenMode API function is provided at the end of this document. This documentation should be reviewed to gain a more full understanding of this function.
Color support in the Palm OS may work differently than you are used to. Each of the UI elements on the screen has its own color setting. However, the settings apply equally to all objects on the screen.
More information on using color capabilities can be found in the "Tech Note 04: Using Color Objects and Graphics" contributed by Adrian Nicolaiev. This Tech Note can be found at:
All of the PalmOS "SysTraps" mentioned in Tech Note 4, plus a few others, are now supported in this library. While most of these functions can be called using the built-in SysTrapSub and SysTrapFunc statements, they have been included here to make them easier to call and are somewhat more "self documenting".
In order to use the ScreenLib Shared Library, the library must be loaded using the NSBasic LoadLibrary statement. This statement should be located in the program's Startup code so that the functions will be available throughout the program. The LoadLibrary statement has an optional second parameter to allow you to specify an abbreviated reference name for the library's functions. The examples in this document use "SL" for this reference name. Example:
Program's Startup code: Sub main() LoadLibrary "ScreenLib", "SL" End Sub
Also, in order to use the ScreenLib Shared Library, the ScreenLib.INF file must be present in your "nsbasic\lib" directory and the ScreenLib.prc file must be downloaded to your device.
Except for the function that returns a version number, all the parameter and return data types are either "Integer"or "String". Version numbers are returned as a "Double".
Version ------- Version = ScreenLib.Version() Description: Returns the version number of the ScreenLib Shared Library. Parameters: None Returns: Version as Double Example: Dim Version as Double Version = SL.Version() CompileInfo ----------- ScreenLib.CompileInfo CompileDate, CompileTime Description: Returns the date and time that the ScreenLib Shared Library was compiled. Parameters: CompileDate as String CompileTime as String Returns: None Example: Dim CompileDate as String Dim CompileTime as String CompileDate = "mon dd yyyy" '11 characters CompileTime = "hh:mm:ss" '8 characters SL.CompileInfo CompileDate, CompileTime Comments: The CompileDate and CompileTime string variables must be initialized prior to calling CompileInfo. GetSupportedDepths ------------------ Depths = ScreenLib.GetSupportedDepths() Description: Returns a bitmapped integer with each bit indicating a bitmap depth supported by the PalmOS device. Parameters: None Returns: Depths as Integer Example: Dim Depths as Integer Depths = SL.GetSupportedDepths() Comments: The NS Basic Shared Library "BitsNBytes" probably provides the best suited functions for evaluating the returned value from this function. DepthSupported -------------- Boolean = ScreenLib.DepthSupported(Depth) Description: Returns 1 if the specified depth is supported by the PalmOS device. Otherwise, it returns 0. Parameters: Depth as Integer Returns: Boolean as Integer Example: Dim Boolean as Integer Dim Depth as Integer Depth = 4 Boolean = SL.DepthSupported(Depth) ColorSupported -------------- Boolean = ScreenLib.ColorSupported() Description: Returns 1 if the PalmOS device has color capabilities. Otherwise, it returns 0. Parameters: None Returns: Boolean as Integer Example: Dim Boolean as Integer Boolean = SL.ColorSupported() SetDepth -------- ScreenLib.SetDepth Depth Description: Sets the screen mode to support the specified bitmap bit depth. Parameters: Depth as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim Depth as Integer Depth = 4 SL.SetDepth Depth SetColor -------- ScreenLib.SetColor Boolean Description: Sets the screen mode to support color bitmaps. Parameters: Boolean as Integer (1 = support color) (0 = do not support color) Example: Dim Boolean as Integer Boolean = 1 SL.SetColor Boolean SetWidth -------- ScreenLib.SetWidth Width Description: Sets the current screen width. Parameters: Width as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim Width as Integer Width = 160 SL.SetWidth Width Comments: This function does not appear to work correctly with NS Basic programs. SetHeight --------- ScreenLib.SetHeight Height Description: Sets the current screen height. Parameters: Height as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim Height as Integer Height = 160 SL.SetHeight Height Comments: This function does not appear to work correctly with NS Basic programs. SaveScreenMode -------------- ScreenLib.SaveScreenMode() Description: Saves the current screen mode parameters. These parameters can later be restored by calling "RestoreScreenMode". It is suggested that the current screen mode parameters be saved before any changes are requested and that these saved parameters are restored when the program exits. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.SaveScreenMode() RestoreScreenMode ----------------- ScreenLib.RestoreScreenMode() Description: Restores saved screen mode parameters. These parameters must have been saved by calling "SaveScreenMode". It is suggested that the current screen mode parameters be saved before any changes are requested and that these saved parameters are restored when the program exits. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.RestoreScreenMode() CurrentDepth ------------ Depth = ScreenLib.CurrentDepth() Description: Returns the current bitmap depth. Parameters: None Returns: Depth as Integer Example: Dim Depth as Integer Depth = SL.CurrentDepth() CurrentColor ------------ Boolean = ScreenLib.CurrentColor() Description: Returns 1 if the PalmOS Device's screen mode is currently set to support color. Otherwise, it returns 0. Parameters: None Returns: Boolean as Integer Example: Dim Boolean as Integer Boolean = SL.CurrentColor() CurrentWidth ------------ Width = ScreenLib.CurrentWidth() Description: Returns the current screen width. Parameters: None Returns: Width as Integer Example: Dim Width as Integer Width = SL.CurrentWidth() CurrentHeight ------------- Height = ScreenLib.CurrentHeight() Description: Returns the current screen height. Parameters: None Returns: Height as Integer Example: Dim Height as Integer Height = SL.CurrentHeight() SetToDefaults ------------- ScreenLib.SetToDefaults() Description: Sets all screen mode parameters to their default values. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.SetToDefaults() DefaultDepth ------------ Depth = ScreenLib.DefaultDepth() Description: Returns the default bitmap depth. Parameters: None Returns: Depth as Integer Example: Dim Depth as Integer Depth = SL.DefaultDepth() DefaultColor ------------ Boolean = ScreenLib.DefaultColor() Description: Returns 1 if the PalmOS Device's screen mode default is set to support color. Otherwise, it returns 0. Parameters: None Returns: Boolean as Integer Example: Dim Boolean as Integer Boolean = SL.DefaultColor() DefaultWidth ------------ Width = ScreenLib.DefaultWidth() Description: Returns the default screen width. Parameters: None Returns: Width as Integer Example: Dim Width as Integer Width = SL.DefaultWidth() DefaultHeight ------------- Height = ScreenLib.DefaultHeight() Description: Returns the default screen height. Parameters: None Returns: Height as Integer Example: Dim Height as Integer Height = SL.DefaultHeight() GetTableEntryIndex ------------------ Index = ScreenLib.GetTableEntryIndex(Which) Description: This function calls the PalmOS UIColorGetTableEntryIndex function. It returns the index value for a UI color for the current system palette. Parameters: Which as Integer UIObjectFrame = 0, UIObjectFill = 1 UIObjectForeground = 2 UIObjectSelectedFill = 3 UIObjectSelectedForeground = 4 UIMenuFrame = 5 UIMenuFill = 6 UIMenuForeground = 7 UIMenuSelectedFill = 8 UIMenuSelectedForeground = 9 UIFieldBackground = 10 UIFieldText = 11 UIFieldTextLines = 12 UIFieldCaret = 13 UIFieldTextHighlightBackground = 14 UIFieldTextHighlightForeground = 15 UIFieldFepRawText = 16 UIFieldFepRawBackground = 17 UIFieldFepConvertedText = 18 UIFieldFepConvertedBackground = 19 UIFieldFepUnderline = 20 UIFormFrame = 21 UIFormFill = 22 UIDialogFrame = 23 UIDialogFill = 24 UIAlertFrame = 25 UIAlertFill = 26 UIOK = 27 UICaution = 28 UIWarning = 29 Returns: Index as Integer Example: Dim Which as Integer Dim Index as Integer Which = 11 'UIFieldText Index = SL.GetTableEntryIndex(Which) GetTableEntryRGB ---------------- Index = ScreenLib.GetTableEntryRGB(Which) Description: This function calls the PalmOS UIColorGetTableEntryRGB function. It retrieves the RGB values for the UI Color. RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. This function retrieves all these values, but only returns the index. To get the red, green, and blue values, call this function first and then call GetRGBRed, GetRGBGreen, and GetRGBBlue. See the example for more information. Parameters: Which as Integer (see the GetTableEntryIndex function for a list of valid "Which" values") Returns: Index as Integer Example: Dim Which as Integer Dim Index as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Which = 11 'UIFieldText Index = SL.GetTableEntryRGB(Which) Red = SL.GetRGBRed() Green = SL.GetRGBGreen() Blue = SL.GetRGBBlue() GetRGBIndex ----------- Index = ScreenLib.GetRGBIndex() Description: RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. This function returns the index value that was previously retrieved by either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. Parameters: None Returns: Index as Integer Example: Dim Index as Integer Index = SL.GetRGBIndex() GetRGBRed --------- Red = ScreenLib.GetRGBRed() Description: RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. This function returns the red value that was previously retrieved by either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. Parameters: None Returns: Red as Integer Example: See the example provided with either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. GetRGBGreen ----------- Green = ScreenLib.GetRGBGreen() Description: RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. This function returns the green value that was previously retrieved by either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. Parameters: None Returns: Green as Integer Example: See the example provided with either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. GetRGBBlue ---------- Blue = ScreenLib.GetRGBBlue() Description: RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. This function returns the blue value that was previously retrieved by either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. Parameters: None Returns: Blue as Integer Example: See the example provided with either the GetTableEntryRGB or IndexToRGB functions. SetTableEntryIndex ------------------ ScreenLib.SetTableEntryIndex Which, Index Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS IndexToRGB function and then it calls UIColorSetTableEntry. It changes a value in the UI Color list. Parameters: Which as Integer (see the GetTableEntryIndex function for a list of valid "Which" values") Index as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Returns: None Example: Dim Which as Integer Dim Index as Integer Which = 11 'UIFieldText Index = 42 SL.SetTableEntryIndex Which, Index Note: Some changes aren't reflected until the object or form is redrawn with the "Redraw" statement. Even then, some changes like the form background (UIFormFill - 22) aren't reflected until until you change forms with a "NextScreen" statement. You might want to set some table entries in either the programs "Startup" code or just before you use the "NextScreen" statement. SetTableEntryRGB ---------------- ScreenLib.SetTableEntryRGB Which, Red, Green, Blue Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS UIColorSetTableEntry function. It changes a value in the UI Color list. Parameters: Which as Integer (see the GetTableEntryIndex function for a list of valid "Which" values") Red as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Green as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Blue as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Returns: None Example: Dim Which as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Which = 11 'UIFieldText Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue = 0 SL.SetTableEntryRGB Which, Red, Green, Blue Note: Some changes aren't reflected until the object or form is redrawn with the "Redraw" statement. Even then, some changes like the form background (UIFormFill - 22) aren't reflected until until you change forms with a "NextScreen" statement. You might want to set some table entries in either the programs "Startup" code or just before you use the "NextScreen" statement. BrightnessAdjust ---------------- ScreenLib.BrightnessAdjust() Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS UIBrightnessAdjust function. It displays the "Brightness Adjust" dialog. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.BrightnessAdjust() ContrastAdjust -------------- ScreenLib.ContrastAdjust() Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS UIContrastAdjust function. It displays the "Contrast Adjust" dialog. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.ContrastAdjust() Note: The PalmOS documentation states that this function only works on the "Palm V Connected Organizer". PickColorIndex -------------- Changed = ScreenLib.PickColorIndex(Index, Title) Description: This function calls the PalmOS UIPickColor function. It displays a Palette dialog to allow a user to select a color. The selected index and RGB values can be retrieved by calling the GetRGBIndex, GetRGBRed, GetRGBGreen and GetRGBBlue functions. Parameters: Index as Integer - suggested Index Title as String - Dialog title to display Returns: Changed as Integer (0 = User cancelled or chose suggested index) (1 = User chose a new index) Example: Dim Index as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Dim Changed as Integer Dim Title as String Index = 42 Title = "Pick a Color" Changed = SL.PickColorIndex(Index, Title) If Changed = 1 Then Index = SL.GetRGBIndex() Red = SL.GetRGBRed() Green = SL.GetRGBGreen() Blue = SL.GetRGBBlue() End If PickColorRGB -------------- Changed = ScreenLib.PickColorRGB(Red, Green, Blue, Title) Description: This function calls the PalmOS UIPickColor function. It displays an RGB dialog to allow a user to select a color. The selected index and RGB values can be retrieved by calling the GetRGBIndex, GetRGBRed, GetRGBGreen and GetRGBBlue functions. Parameters: Red as Integer - suggested red value - 0 to 255) Green as Integer - suggested green value - 0 to 255) Blue as Integer - suggested blue value - 0 to 255) Title as String - Dialog title to display Returns: Changed as Integer (0 = User cancelled or chose suggested RGB values) (1 = User chose new RGB values) Example: Dim Index as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Dim Changed as Integer Dim Title as String Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue = 0 Title = "Pick a Color" Changed = SL.PickColorRGB(Red, Green, Blue, Title) If Changed = 1 Then Index = SL.GetRGBIndex() Red = SL.GetRGBRed() Green = SL.GetRGBGreen() Blue = SL.GetRGBBlue() End If IndexToRGB ---------- ScreenLib.IndexToRGB Index Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinIndexToRGB function. It converts an index in the currently active color table to an RGB value. RGB Values are returned in a structure called "RGBColorType". It contains the following fields: index, red, green, blue. To get the actual index, red, green, and blue values, call this function first and then call GetRGBIndex, GetRGBRed, GetRGBGreen, and GetRGBBlue. See the example for more information. Parameters: Index as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim Index as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Index = 134 SL.IndexToRGB Index Index = SL.GetRGBIndex() Red = SL.GetRGBRed() Green = SL.GetRGBGreen() Blue = SL.GetRGBBlue() RGBToIndex ---------- Index = ScreenLib.RGBToIndex(Red, Green, Blue) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinRGBToIndex function. It converts RGB values to the index of the closest color in the currently active color lookup table (CLUT). Parameters: Red as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Green as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Blue as Integer (valid values: 0 to 255) Returns: Index as Integer Example: Dim Index as Integer Dim Red as Integer Dim Green as Integer Dim Blue as Integer Red = 255 Green = 0 Blue = 0 Index = SL.RGBToIndex(Red, Green, Blue) SetForeColor ------------ OldIndex = ScreenLib.SetForeColor(NewIndex) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinSetForeColor function. It sets the foreground color to use in subsequent draw operations. Parameter: NewIndex as Integer Returns: OldIndex as Integer - previous foreground index Example: Dim OldIndex as Integer Dim NewIndex as Integer NewIndex = 134 OldIndex = SL.SetForeColor(NewIndex) Note: Colors set with this function appear to be reset to default values when switching between forms or when a form is redrawn. It is probably best to call this function in the form's "After" code section. SetBackColor ------------ OldIndex = ScreenLib.SetBackColor(NewIndex) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinSetBackColor function. It sets the background color to use in subsequent draw operations. Parameter: NewIndex as Integer Returns: OldIndex as Integer - previous background index Example: Dim OldIndex as Integer Dim NewIndex as Integer NewIndex = 134 OldIndex = SL.SetBackColor(NewIndex) Note: Colors set with this function appear to be reset to default values when switching between forms or when a form is redrawn. It is probably best to call this function in the form's "After" code section. SetTextColor ------------ OldIndex = ScreenLib.SetTextColor(NewIndex) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinSetTextColor function. It sets the color to use for drawing characters in subsequent draw operations. Parameter: NewIndex as Integer Returns: OldIndex as Integer - previous text index Example: Dim OldIndex as Integer Dim NewIndex as Integer NewIndex = 134 OldIndex = SL.SetTextColor(NewIndex) Note: Colors set with this function appear to be reset to default values when switching between forms or when a form is redrawn. It is probably best to call this function in the form's "After" code section. DrawLine -------- ScreenLib.DrawLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Description: This soubroutine calls the PalmOS WinDrawLine function. It draws a line in the draw window using the current foreground color. Note: This function was provided for completeness only. The built-in DrawLine NSBasic statement produces the same result. Parameters: X1 as Integer Y1 as Integer X2 as Integer Y2 as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X1 as Integer Dim Y1 as Integer Dim X2 as Integer Dim Y2 as Integer X1 = 10 Y1 = 20 X2 = 120 Y2 = 20 SL.DrawLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 DrawGrayLine ------------ ScreenLib.DrawGrayLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinDrawGrayLine function. It does not draw in a gray color, but rather draws with alternating foreground and background colors. Parameters: X1 as Integer Y1 as Integer X2 as Integer Y2 as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X1 as Integer Dim Y1 as Integer Dim X2 as Integer Dim Y2 as Integer X1 = 10 Y1 = 20 X2 = 120 Y2 = 20 SL.DrawGrayLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 EraseLine --------- ScreenLib.EraseLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinEraseLine function. It draws a line in the draw window using the current background color. Parameters: X1 as Integer Y1 as Integer X2 as Integer Y2 as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X1 as Integer Dim Y1 as Integer Dim X2 as Integer Dim Y2 as Integer X1 = 10 Y1 = 20 X2 = 120 Y2 = 20 SL.EraseLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 InvertLine ---------- ScreenLib.InvertLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinInvertLine function. It draws an inverted line in the draw window. Parameters: X1 as Integer Y1 as Integer X2 as Integer Y2 as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X1 as Integer Dim Y1 as Integer Dim X2 as Integer Dim Y2 as Integer X1 = 10 Y1 = 20 X2 = 120 Y2 = 20 SL.InvertLine X1, Y1, X2, Y2 DrawPixel --------- ScreenLib.DrawPixel X, Y Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinDrawPixel function. It draws a pixel in the draw window using the current foreground color. Parameters: X as Integer Y as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X as Integer Dim Y as Integer X = 10 Y = 20 SL.DrawPixel X, Y ErasePixel ---------- ScreenLib.ErasePixel X, Y Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinErasePixel function. It draws a pixel in the draw window using the current background color. Parameters: X as Integer Y as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X as Integer Dim Y as Integer X = 10 Y = 20 SL.ErasePixel X, Y InvertPixel ----------- ScreenLib.InvertPixel X, Y Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinInvertPixel function. It draws an inverted pixel in the draw window. Parameters: X as Integer Y as Integer Returns: None Example: Dim X as Integer Dim Y as Integer X = 10 Y = 20 SL.InvertPixel X, Y GetPixel -------- Index = ScreenLib.GetPixel(X, Y) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinGetPixel function. It returns the color of the specified a pixel in the draw window. Parameters: X as Integer Y as Integer Returns: Index as Integer Example: Dim Index as Integer Dim X as Integer Dim Y as Integer X = 10 Y = 20 Index = SL.GetPixel(X, Y) ScreenLock ---------- Success = ScreenLib.ScreenLock(Mode) Description: This function calls the PalmOS WinScreenLock function. It "locks" the current screen by switching the UI concept of the screen base address to an area that is not reflected on the display. This routine can be used to "freeze" the display while doing lengthy drawing operations to avoid a flickering effect. Call ScreenUnlock to unlock the display and cause it to be updated with any changes. The screen must be unlocked as many times as it is locked to actually update the display. Parameters: Mode as Integer (winLockCopy = 0 - copy old screen to new) (winLockErase = 1 - erase new screen to white) (winLockDontCare = 2 - don't do anything) Returns: Success as Integer (1 = Success) (0 = Failure) Example: Dim Success as Integer Dim Mode as Integer Mode = 0 'winLockCopy Success = SL.ScreenLock(Mode) ScreenUnlock ------------ ScreenLib.ScreenUnlock() Description: This subroutine calls the PalmOS WinScreenUnlock function. Call ScreenUnlock to unlock the display and cause it to be updated with any changes. The screen, which was locked by calling ScreenLock, must be unlocked as many times as it is locked to actually update the display. Parameters: None Returns: None Example: SL.ScreenUnlock()
Purpose: Sets or returns display parameters, including display geometry, bit depth, and color support. Prototype: Err WinScreenMode (WinScreenModeOperation operation, UInt32 *widthP, UInt32 *heightP, UInt32 *depthP, Boolean *enableColorP) Parameters: The widthP, heightP, depthP, and enableColorP parameters are used in different ways for different operations. See Comments at the end of this description for details. -> operation The work this function is to perform, as specified by one of the following selectors: winScreenModeGet Return the current settings for the display. winScreenModeGetDefaults Return the default settings for the display. winScreenModeGetSupportedDepths Return in depthP a hexadecimal value indicating the supported screen depths. The binary representation of this value defines a bitfield in which the value 1 indicates support for a particular display depth. The position representing a particular bit depth corresponds to the value 2(bitDepth-1). See the Example at the end of this function description for more information. winScreenModeGetSupportsColor Return true as the value of the enableColorP parameter when color mode can be enabled. winScreenModeSet Change display settings to the values specified by the other arguments to the WinScreenMode function. winScreenModeSetToDefaults Change display settings to default values. <-> widthP Pointer to new/old screen width. <-> heightP Pointer to new/old screen height. <-> depthP Pointer to new/old/available screen depth. <-> enableColorP Pass true to enable color drawing mode. Result: If no error, returns values as specified by the operation argument. Various invalid arguments may cause this function to return a sysErrParamErr result code. In rare cases, a failed allocation can cause this function to return a memErrNotEnoughSpace error. Comments: The widthP, heightP, depthP, and enableColorP parameters are used in different ways for different operations. All "get" operations overwrite these values with a result when the function returns. The winScreenModeSet operation changes current display parameters when passed valid argument values that are not NULL pointers. The winScreenModeSetToDefaults operation ignores values passed for all of these parameters. Table 48.1 summarizes parameter usage for each operation this function performs. Table 48.1 Use of parameters to WinScreenMode function Operation winScreenMode... widthP heightP depthP enableColorP ...Get returned returned returned returned ...GetDefaults returned returned returned returned ...GetSupportedDepths pass in pass in returned pass in ...GetSupportsColor pass in pass in pass in returned ...Set pass in pass in pass in pass in ...SetToDefaults ignored ignored ignored ignored This function ignores NULL pointer arguments to the widthP, heightP, depthP, and enableColorP parameters; thus, you can pass a NULL pointer for any of these values to leave the current value unchanged. Similarly, when getting values, this function does not return a value for any NULL pointer argument. If you change the display depth, it is recommended that you restore it to its previous state when your application closes, even though the system sets display parameters back to their default values when launching an application. Note that none of the other operations interprets the depth parameter the same way that winScreenModeGetSupportedDepths does. For example, to set the display depth to 8-bit mode, you use 8 (decimal) for the display depth, not 0x08 (128 decimal). Compatibility: Implemented only if 3.5 New Feature Set is present. In OS versions prior to 3.5, this function is called ScrDisplayMode. The prototype for ScrDisplayMode is similar to WinScreenMode: Err ScrDisplayMode ( ScrDisplayModeOperation operation, DWordPtr widthP, DWordPtr heightP, DWordPtr depthP, BooleanPtr enableColorP) The only other difference between ScrDisplayMode and WinScreenMode is that the ScrDisplayModeOperation constants begin with the prefix scrDisplayMode rather than winScreenMode. Example: Here are some additional examples of return values provided by the winScreenModeGetSupportedDepths mode of the WinScreenMode function. This function indicates support for 4-bit drawing by returning a value of 0x08, or 23, which corresponds to a binary value of 1000. Support for bit depths of 2 and 1 is indicated by a return value of 0x03. Support for bit depths of 4, 2, and 1 is indicated by 0x0B, which is a binary value of 1011. Support for bit depths of 24, 8, 4 and 2 is indicated by 0x80008A. The figure immediately following depicts this final example graphically. 24-bit drawing | 8-bit drawing | | 4-bit drawing | | | 2-bit drawing | | | | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 | | | | 2^23 2^7 2^3 2^1 Bit depth support indicated by interpreting 0x80008A as binary value.