Tech Note 16a: More on Serial IR CommunicationsJan 22, 2002© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved. |
This TechNote describes a low speed serial IR interface using NSBasic, with references to further reading. The data link described here provides a one-way IR link, (transmitted to the Palm IR recieve port) at 2400 baud, using a Palm M100 for the PDA. The transmitter was created with a PIC microcomputer, and example code is provided, along with a schematic of the interface.
The Palm IR port appears to comply with the IrDA specification, which is very complex and comprehensive. Most of the spec deals with software protocols and "layers", which I did not employ. The exact spec (in pdf format, "zipped") can be downloaded here:
For my purposes, I only needed to learn about the physical "layer" of the specification.
To see it, select the document titled "IrDA SIR Data Specification" and download it. Unzip the download, and select the pdf file titled "IrPHY_1p4.PDF". Pages 14 - 16 contain most of the information I used.
(NOTE: The page numbers printed in the document do NOT agree with the "pdf viewer" page numbers, since several of the preliminary pages in the document are not numbered. The page numbers identified above are "pdf viewer" page numbers)
Essentially, (on the transmit side of the link) it is not as simple as taking RS232 data and feeding it to an IR diode, but it is not too bad. Each bit is encoded as an IR "pulse". The (maximum) duration of each pulse equals 3/16 of the time for one bit of data. The time between two successive pulses equals the time for the selected baud rate. (= 1 / baud rate) I am running 2400 baud, so the (maximum) "on" time = 78 microseconds, and time between bits = 417 microseconds.
The specification indicates pulses of much smaller duration are acceptable, down to less than 2 microseconds in my case. I have tested it with pulses as low as 5.5 microseconds, and it runs fine. The idea for using very narrow pulses is to allow very high intensity pulses (= longer range for the link) that would quickly "kill" a battery, (and the IR diode) if the pulse duration were not reduced to a small value.
Logic "1" bits are encoded as "dark", (LED = off) and logic "0" bits are encoded as "bright" (LED = on). Data consists of a single start bit (always logic "0" = LED "on") followed by 8 data bits, then a stop bit. (stop bit = always logic "1" = LED "off")
I am actually using 2 stop bits, and there should be no limit to the duration between characters, since this is an asynchronous link.
Each character consists of ASCII data, transmitted LSB first. In my case, I am transmitting 7-bit ASCII, and the 8th data bit is parity. I am not using parity, so I set this bit = logic "0". (LED = "on")
My NSBasic code included the following lines:
' Open the serial port ' This clears out the OpSys receive buffer ' And guarantees the received data is "fresh" receive_error = serialopen(0,2400) ' Switch to the infrared comm port receive_error = serialset("IR",1)
I did not have to change anything else, after switching to the IR port. The rest of the recieve software was originally created to use the Palm RS232 port, and it did not require any changes. When writing your code, it might be best to get your software running properly with RS232 first, then switch it to IR using the code above.
This is a schematic of the hardware I employed to generate the IR pulses:
The chip is a PIC 16C773 micro, running with a 3.58 MHz crystal. The output is a general-purpose TTL compatible I/O pin. The transistor allows me to "hit" the diode with much more (pulse) current than would be available from an ordinary TTL output. It also inverts the signal polarity... logic "0" on the output pin turns the IR LED "on", so I donít have to invert the bits in software. I didnít measure the diode current, but I suspect it is somewhere around 100 - 150 milliamps. (average current is much lower, due to the low duty cycle)
After mentioning the IR link to a friend of mine, he mentioned that Maxim manufactures chips to convert from RS232 to IrDA. This might be a more suitable approach for folks who arenít as "agile" with hardware or assembly code:
Do a search on the website using keyword "IrDA", several devices will pop up.
I can provide the PIC source code for the ASCII character output routine, on request. The routine is written for a PIC 16C773 micro, running with a 3.58 MHz crystal. It employs software timing loops for the pulse time and baud rate, so it will be "crystal sensitive". You can request it from me with an e-mail: pelican2©
It may be possible to achieve this software in a high-level language, but since software timing loops are employed (here) for pulse durations and baud rate generation, it is a gamble. For high speed data links, it will be almost hopeless without an assembly routine, or high-level software that is specifically designed for high data rates.
Most folks probably donít know PIC assembly code and donít want to learn it, so the following "descriptive" (assembly) code is provided, to serve as a model. The CPU "calls" this routine, and the ASCII character to be transmitted is stored in the variable named "ASCII_char":
'ASCII character ouput routine sub_char_out: char_buffer = ASCII_char for bit = 0 to 7 LED = off char_buffer = char_buffer / 2 if char_buff - fix(char_buffer) < 0.4 then LED = on gosub bit_out char_buffer = fix(char_buffer) next bit return 'ASCII bit output routine sub_bit_out: LED_output_pin = LED (wait for interval = LED_pulse_time) LED_output_pin = off (wait for interval = (1/baud rate) - LED_pulse_time) return
Link range is related to LED pulse power, and LED beamwidth. I employed an LED with a (specified) beamwidth of 35 degrees, running at maybe 300 milliwatts (peak) and achieved a maximum (reliable) range of about 5 feet. I am not employing parity in my transmitted data, so the link I am using should be quite vulnerable to data "dropouts" and "garbling".
In fact, the link did not "false" or "garble" the data, except for a very small portion of this range, near the extreme limit of the link, and I had to deliberately "hunt" to find this "grey" zone. This implies that the internal hardware of the Palm IR reciever is pretty "conservative", which should relieve the software of some (error checking) burden.
Regarding TechNote 16, it does not mention that another (utility) program is required to use the sample NSBasic program for the serial IR port. It is called HackMaster, I found it with a Yahoo search. To use the NSBasic sample program, (IRTest.prj) it appears you also need HackMaster as well as the ComLink program from mr. Ringwald, identified in the TechNote. It appears that HackMaster "enables" ComLink, which (in turn) enables IRTest.
Using these 3 programs, (and the transmit data format described above) I was able to recieve and display text data transmitted from my device using the IRTest program. Once I confirmed that the transmit data was of the proper format, I removed the three programs mentioned here, and the link ran fine...
The beamwidth of the LED will have a significant affect on the maximum range of the link... much greater than the power level of the LED. From basic optics, cutting the beamwidth in half has the same effect as increasing the LED power by a factor of 4.
Based on my observations, it should be possible to achive links with distances in many tens of feet, using very narrow beamwidth LEDs. (but they would be very difficult to "aim")
IR LEDs are available with a wide vareity of beamwidths, but all seem to be limited (more or less) to about 500 milliwatts (peak) power. Ordinary LEDs do not generate coherent light, so it should be possible to use several IR LEDs (driven with the same data) if one will not suffice. (Possibly one wide beam, one narrow beam)
For that matter, it would be very interesting to try a laser pointer as a transmitter....hmmm... I wonder how fast a laser diode can be switched on and off?
Another "oddball" application might be possible if the IR port can be used "full duplex" (transmit and recieve simultaneously) The IR port could be used as a simple "proximity detector", for reflective objects placed near the IR port.
Possibly an optical tachometer...
Yeah... go ahead... shove that $500 PDA down there, right next to that turbocharged fan blade, running at 3000 RPM...