Software 309 would like to thank NS Basic for providing the space for
this website. NS Basic in not responsible for this software or its use.
questions about this software should be directed to software309©
PictureBox ActiveX Control Version
2.7 for NS Basic, VBCE/eVB, or VCCE/eVC
The S309PictureBox.ocx provides a PictureBox ActiveX control that can:
- Display Bitmap (bmp and 2bp), Gif, Jpeg, and XBM image files.
- Display bitmap resources from resource files, including common bitmaps such as FileOpen
and FileClose.
- Capture and display an image of the physical screen.
- Save an image as a bitmap file.
- and more ...
Download & Documentation 
HotKey ActiveX Control Version 1.3 for
NS Basic, VBCE/eVB, or VCCE/eVC
HotKey ActiveX Control will intercept a HotKey (Hardware or keyboard) and notify a
program that the HotKey has been pressed or released.
Download & Documentation 
User Notification
User Notification ActiveX Control Version
for NS Basic, VBCE/eVB, or VCCE/eVC
User Notification ActiveX Control will allow a program to display a Windows CE User
Notification dialog box (same dialog used for reminders).
Download & Documentation 
Timer ActiveX Control Version
1.5 for NS Basic, VBCE/eVB, or VCCE/eVC
Timer ActiveX Control will also keep the device from going into suspend mode
when running a program without user input.
Download & Documentation 
Warm Reboot
Warm Reboot for Windows CE machines Version 2.0 and above
If this program does not work on your machine it is because the OEM did not write code to handle the Warm Reboot request...
Please send an email to me
telling me if this works or not on your machine
Casio E-125 - Does work!
Casio E-115 - Does work!
Casio EM-500 - Does work!
Clio 1050 - Does work!
Compaq Aero 15xx - Does Work!
Compaq Aero 21xx - Does Work!
Compaq iPaq H36xx - Does Work!
Compaq iPaq H31xx - Does Work!
Fujitsu PenCentra 130 - Does Work!
HP Jornada 820 - Does work!
HP Jornada 720 - Does work!
HP Jornada 54x - Does work!
HP Jornada 52x - Does work!
HP Jornada 43x - Does work!
Symbol 7200 - Does work!
Casio E-100 - Does not work
Casio E-105 - Does not work
Clio 1000 - Does not work
Hitachi HPW600 - Does not work
HP 620LX - Does not work
IBM Z50 - Does not work
Symbol PPT2700 - Does not work
Sharp Tripad PV-6000 - Does not work
Uniden Unipro 100 - Does not work |
Download self extracting install exe for Arm, Mips, Sh3, and