NetDial Component

The NetDial control can be used to call the Remote Access System (RAS) to initiate or break connections to remote hosts, list connections, and the phonebook entries.

(NOTE: The following is a very short description. For more information, please consult the help files that come with the respective package.)

The Action property controls the operation. The user can either directly provide a PhoneNumber, User, Password, and eventually Domain and CallbackNumber or get those entries from PhonebookEntry of Phonebook. The calls are blocking but progress information is given through the Status event and Windows messages will come during connect or disconnect actions.

The user can get information on the phonebook entries and connections by assigning the respective command to Action property and get the information through the ConnectedEntry and PhonebookEntry events.


Action. Controls the operation of the NetDial control.

CallbackNumber. The callback number to give when directly dialing the remote machine.

Domain. The name of the domain to join when dialing the RAS connection.

Handle. The handle of the connection. 0 if invalid or not connected.

Password. The password to use when direct dialing the remote machine.

Phonebook. The Phonebook to read the PhonebookEntry from when dialing the remote machine.

PhonebookEntry. The name of PhonebookEntry to use when dialing the remote machine.

PhoneNumber. The number to dial when dialing directly the remote machine without the help of a PhonebookEntry.

User. The name of the login user when directly dialing the remote machine.


ConnectedEntry. Fired for every connected device if Action is set to 4 (List Connections) .

Error. Information about errors during data delivery.

PhonebookEntry. Fired for every Phonebook entry if Action is set to 3 (List Phonebook Entries) .

Status. Occurs during connect or disconnect attempts.

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