addobject "Dialog"
addobject "CommandButton", "Clear", 0, 0, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Copy", 40, 0, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Paste", 80, 0, 50, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Save", 130, 0, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Load", 170, 0, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Mode", 210, 0, 40, 20

addobject "MGCERichInk.RichInk", "ink", 0, 20, output.width, output.height - 20

Dim aData                ' Used to hold data for Copy/Paste

ink.Mode = 1            ' Set to graphical mode
ink.Toolbar = 0          ' No toolbar

Clear.BackColor = output.BackColor
Clear.Caption = "Clear"
Copy.BackColor = output.BackColor
Copy.Caption = "Copy"
Paste.BackColor = output.BackColor
Paste.Caption = "Paste"
Save.BackColor = output.BackColor
Save.Caption = "Save"
Load.BackColor = output.BackColor
Load.Caption = "Load"
Mode.BackColor = output.BackColor
Mode.Caption = "Mode"

sub Clear_Click                     ' Clear ink control
   ink.Mode = 1
end sub

sub Copy_Click                      ' Get byte array from control and save in variable
   aData = ink.Data
end sub

sub Paste_Click                     ' Set control contents to saved byte array
   ink.Data = aData
end sub

sub Save_Click                       ' Save control contents to file
   Dialog.DialogTitle = "Save Ink File"
   Dialog.InitDir = "\"
   Dialog.Flags = 0
   Dialog.Filter = "Ink Files|*.ink"
   Dialog.DefaultExt = "ink"
   Dialog.filename = "*.ink"
   Dialog.CancelError = True
   On Error Resume Next
   if Err.Number = 0 then
      ink.SaveData Dialog.filename, 1
   end if
end sub

sub Load_Click                    ' Load ink data from file into control
   Dialog.DialogTitle = "Load Ink File"
   Dialog.InitDir = "\"
   Dialog.Filter = "Ink Files|*.ink|All Files|*.*"
   Dialog.FilterIndex = 1
   Dialog.Flags = &H1800
   Dialog.filename = ""
   Dialog.CancelError = True
   On Error Resume Next
   if Err.Number = 0 then
      ink.LoadData CStr( Dialog.filename )
      MsgBox Err.Description
   end if
end sub

sub Mode_Click                  ' Change graphical / text mode
   if ink.Mode = 0 then          ' If currently text, go to graphical
      ink.Mode = 1
      ink.Mode = 0                ' If graphical, go to text
   end if
end sub