addobject "MGCERichEdit.RichEdit", "redit", 2, 22, output.width - 4, output.height - 24
addobject "CommandButton", "Bold", 2, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Italic", 22, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Uline", 42, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Sout", 62, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Subs", 82, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Supr", 102, 2, 20, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Save", 122, 2, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Load", 162, 2, 40, 20
addobject "CommandButton", "Find", 202, 2, 40, 20
addobject "Textbox", "Ftext", 242, 2, 80, 20

Bold.Caption = "&B"
Italic.Caption = "&I"
Uline.Caption = "&U"
Sout.Caption = "&S"
Subs.Caption = "&L"
Supr.Caption = "&P"
Save.Caption = "Sa&ve"
Load.Caption = "&Load"
Find.Caption = "&Find"

Bold.BackColor = output.BackColor
Italic.BackColor = output.BackColor
Uline.BackColor = output.BackColor
Sout.BackColor = output.BackColor
Subs.BackColor = output.BackColor
Supr.BackColor = output.BackColor
Save.BackColor = output.BackColor
Load.BackColor = output.BackColor
Find.BackColor = output.BackColor
Ftext.BorderStyle = 1

redit.Multiline = TRUE
redit.SelectionDisplay = TRUE
redit.Border = TRUE
redit.BackColor = 65535
redit.ForeColor = 0
redit.FontName = "Courier New"
redit.FontSize = 240
redit.Scrollbars = 2
redit.Caption = "This is the Rich Edit control"
redit.SetStart = 12
redit.SelLength = 9
redit.SelectionFontBold = TRUE
redit.SetStart = 0
redit.SelLength = 0

sub Find_Click
   if Len( Trim( Ftext.Caption ) ) = 0 then exit sub
   i = redit.FindText( , , , Ftext.Caption )
   if i <> -1 then
      redit.SetStart = i
      redit.SelLength = Len( Ftext.Caption )
   end if
end sub

sub Bold_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontBold = FALSE then
      redit.SelectionFontBold = TRUE
      Bold.FontWeight = 700
      Bold.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontBold = FALSE
      Bold.FontWeight = 400
      Bold.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Italic_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontItalic = FALSE then
      redit.SelectionFontItalic = TRUE
      Italic.FontWeight = 700
      Italic.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontItalic = FALSE
      Italic.FontWeight = 400
      Italic.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Uline_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontUnderline = FALSE then
      redit.SelectionFontUnderline = TRUE
      Uline.FontWeight = 700
      Uline.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontUnderline = FALSE
      Uline.FontWeight = 400
      Uline.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Sout_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontStrikeout = FALSE then
      redit.SelectionFontStrikeout = TRUE
      Sout.FontWeight = 700
      Sout.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontStrikeout = FALSE
      Sout.FontWeight = 400
      Sout.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Subs_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontOffset >= 0 then
      redit.SelectionFontOffset = -60
      Subs.FontWeight = 700
      Subs.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontOffset = 0
      Subs.FontWeight = 400
      Subs.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Supr_Click
   if redit.SelectionFontOffset <= 0 then
      redit.SelectionFontOffset = 60
      Supr.FontWeight = 700
      Supr.ForeColor = 255
      redit.SelectionFontOffset = 0
      Supr.FontWeight = 400
      Supr.ForeColor = 0
   end if
end sub

sub Save_Click
   fName = InputBox( "Filename:", "Save RTF File", "test.rtf" )
   if Len( fName ) then
      on error resume next
      i = redit.Save( fName )
      if Err.number then
         MsgBox "An error occurred saving " & fName
         MsgBox CStr( i ) & " bytes saved to " & fName
      end if
   end if
end sub

sub Load_Click
   fName = InputBox( "Filename:", "Load RTF File", "test.rtf" )
   if Len( fName ) then
      on error resume next
      i = redit.Load( fName )
      if Err.number then
         MsgBox "An error occurred loading " & fName
         MsgBox CStr( i ) & " bytes loaded from " & fName
      end if
   end if 
end sub

sub redit_SelectionChange( pos, length, f )
   if f AND 1 then
      Bold.FontWeight = 700
      Bold.ForeColor = 255
      Bold.FontWeight = 400
      Bold.ForeColor = 0
   end if
   if f AND 2 then
      Italic.FontWeight = 700
      Italic.ForeColor = 255
      Italic.FontWeight = 400
      Italic.ForeColor = 0
   end if
   if f AND 4 then
      Uline.FontWeight = 700
      Uline.ForeColor = 255
      Uline.FontWeight = 400
      Uline.ForeColor = 0
   end if
   if f AND 8 then
      Sout.FontWeight = 700
      Sout.ForeColor = 255
      Sout.FontWeight = 400
      Sout.ForeColor = 0
   end if
   f = redit.SelectionFontOffset
   if f < 0 then
      Subs.FontWeight = 700
      Subs.ForeColor = 255
      if f > 0 then
         Supr.FontWeight = 700
         Supr.ForeColor = 255
         Subs.FontWeight = 400
         Supr.FontWeight = 400
         Subs.ForeColor = 0
         Supr.ForeColor = 0
      end if
   end if
end sub