Device IDE Tour |
From the list of Objects, we can select the object we want. Let's start with a TextBox, used to input or display text. |
The TextBox appears with a default location, size and name. We can now customize it to appear as we want. |
Double tapping on TextBox1 gets the Property Box to pop up. The top line is the name of the object: we'll change that from "Checkbox1" to "Fahrenheit". There's no need to change it, but Fahrenheit will make a better name to use in our program. There are a whole list of properties we can customize. We'll change the Backcolor and Caption. Many properties have a list of possible values that you can pick from a pop up list. |
The Caption property is the text that shows up in the TextBox when it displays. We have set that to "Fahrenheit". Let's continue... |
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