Tech Note 03g: Using the Grid ObjectApril 02, 2008
© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved. |
There is additional documentation on Microsoft's website.
The Grid Object displays and operates on tabular data. It allows complete flexibility to sort, merge, and format tables containing strings. It is included as part of the "ActiveX Control Objects 1.0" download, available at Microsoft's web site. See Tech Note 02 for more information on how to load this module onto your system.
It can be used to implement a "sorting" data display that groups information by category, allowing the user to modify the order in which information is presented or to create a spreadsheet.
To create a Grid Object, use a command such as the following:
addObject "Grid","Grid",0,0,215,150
Properties either set or return values. The syntax is
msgbox Grid.CellAlignment 'get the current CellAlignment
Grid.CellAlignment=9 'set the CellAlignment to general
Most properties refer to the current cell or all selected cells. The FillStyle
property sets this.
Property Name |
Description |
Sets/Returns how value are aligned in cells |
Color |
Color |
True/False |
True/False |
String name of font |
Fontsize in points |
True/False |
True/False |
height of current cell |
left of current cell |
top of current cell |
width of current cell |
text style |
Set/returns contents of current cell |
Col position of current cell |
Row position of current cell |
Sets alignment for specified row: see CellAlignment |
Assigns a specific number to col |
Assigns a specific number to row |
True/False |
returns distance from upper left corner |
Moves a column |
Moves a row |
returns or sets the number of columns |
or sets the number of rows |
returns or sets the current selected column |
returns or sets the current selected row |
returns or sets the column width in twips |
0:operations affect current cell, 1:selected cells |
0:no box, 1:light box, 2:heavy box |
color |
color |
color |
Defines how lines look between cells |
Values from 0 to 10 |
0 don't hilite, 1 always, 2 if object has focus |
returns or sets the leftmost visible cell |
True/False. Redraw after each change? |
Returns or stes height of specified row |
Mimimum height for a row |
True/False |
returns distance from upper left corner |
0 none, 1 horizontal, 2 vertical, 3 both |
True/False. Update object while using scrollbar? |
0 normal selection, 1 by row, 2 by column |
sorts rows base on current selection |
returns or sets contents of current cell |
returns or sets cell specified by cellIndex |
returns or sets value of specified cell |
One of the following: |
returns or sets the topmost visible cell |
returns the version of the Grid Control |
True/False |
Method Name |
Arguments |
Description |
Adds a row. Use a tab separated string for multiple columns. If index not specified, new row goes at end. |
clears all cells |
Hides the lines between the grid cells |
Move the grid to new coordinates. Since there is no hide or show, this can be used to move a grid offscreen. Units are in twips: there are 15 twips per pixel. |
Deletes the specified row. |
Events cause subroutines in your program to be called, if they exist. You should name the subroutine <objectName>_evenName
For example, to capture leaving a cell in GridCtrl1, you will need
sub Grid_LeaveCell
'your code
end sub
Event Name |
Arguments |
Description |
Cell clicked in |
Called by Sort with option 9. Return minus 1 if row1 is less, 0 if equal, 1 if row1 is greater than row2. |
Called when selecting a cell. |
Called when de selecting a cell |
Called when cell changes |
Called when object is scrolled |
Called when selection is changed. |
1. The Row and Col properties specify the current cell in a Grid. You can specify the current cell in code, or the user can change it at run time using the mouse or the arrow keys. The Text property references the contents of the current cell.
2. If a cell's text is too long to be displayed in the cell, and the WordWrap property is set to True, the text wraps to the next line within the same cell. To display the wrapped text, you may need to increase the cell's column width (ColWidth property) or row height (RowHeight property).
3. The Cols and Rows properties are used to determine the number of columns and rows in a Grid control.
4. Russ Smith, an NS Basic/CE user, notes on the topic of getting two grids to scroll together:
I solved the problem of having a title grid that appears to scroll with the record grid. The following Sub is called when I first load the record grid and every time the _Scroll() method is called. When I load the grid, I set recTitle.colData(0) to -1 to force a redraw.
As you can see, it really doesn't scroll the other grid, but the titles appear over the appropriate columns so I'm happy. I tried setting recTitle.leftCol to recGrid.leftCol but it just ignored it.Sub ShowTitles() If recTitle.colData(0)<>recGrid.leftCol Then recTitle.redraw = False recTitle.cols = RS.fields.Count 'just to be sure we have enough slots Dim gC gC = recGrid.leftCol Do recTitle.textMatrix(0,gC-recGrid.leftCol)=RS.fields(gC).name gC=gC+1 Loop While recGrid.ColIsVisible(gC) recTitle.colData(0)=recGrid.leftCol recTitle.Cols = gC-recGrid.leftCol recTitle.redraw = True End If End Sub
5. If you're feeding data from an ADOCE database into a Grid control, Russ notes:
If you use recGrid.rowData(idx) to store RS.absolutePosition as you load the grid with record data, the following code sets the record pointer to the same record as is selected in the grid:
RS.Move recGrid.rowData(recGrid.rowSel)-1, adBookmarkFirst
6. If you change the any one of the bounds properties (Left, Top, Width, Height, the other 3 will be set to -1. Microsoft has no plans to correct this bug.
7. Bill Heintz wiliamh63© verizon.net suggests: Remark #4 mentions the work of programmer Russ Smith. This solution is workable.
Unfortunately, I wanted to create a spreadsheet like application with a row header and a column header that could scroll. I wanted to allow for different sized columns and rows. I could not for the life of me determine why Microsoft wouldn’t allow the you to intercept the _Scroll() method and then tell your titles to move accordingly. Microsoft wouldn’t allow you to move the title rows unless they had their own scroll bars.
The solution is to first set-up the title grid objects. Make sure your row title bar has the vertical scroll bar by setting: GridRowTitles.ScrollBars = 2. The column titles need the horizontal scroll bar: GridColTitles.ScrollBars = 1. Lastly, draw the main grid object on top, covering the title scroll bars. Set this grid area to accept both scrolls.
This code then accepts the main scroll and aligns the title rows accordingly:
sub ScrollGrid_scroll() 'scroll grid, scroll titles when grid scrolled if GridRowTitles.TopRow <> ScrollGrid.TopRow then GridRowTitles.TopRow= ScrollGrid.TopRow end if if GridColTitles.LeftCol <> ScrollGrid.LeftCol then GridColTitles.LeftCol= ScrollGrid.LeftCol end if end sub
The Grid objects accept user clicks and will scroll in response. To prevent the headers from doing this, simply disable input:
GridColTitles.enabled = false GridRowTitles.enabled = falseSee Sample Program 2 below.
Rem demonstrate use of Grid Object Option Explicit addobject "gridctrl.gridctrl.1","grid",0,0,215,150 grid.cols=3 grid.rows=9 makeButton "Text","Text",225,30,50,20 makeButton "Clear","Clear",225,0,50,20 makeButton "Bold","B",300,0,20,20 makeButton "Italic","I",325,0,20,20 makeButton "Underline","U",350,0,20,20 makeButton "Strike","S",375,0,20,20 form_load Private Sub makeButton(name, prompt, x,y,w,h) addObject "commandButton",name & "Btn",x,y,w,h execute name & "Btn.Text=" & chr(34) & prompt & chr(34) end sub Sub BoldBtn_Click() Dim n n = grid.CellFontBold If n Then grid.CellFontBold = False Else grid.CellFontBold = True End If End Sub Sub ClearBtn_Click() grid.Clear End Sub Sub Form_Load() grid.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Kenny" grid.TextMatrix(1, 0) = "Carmen" grid.TextMatrix(2, 0) = "Kyle" grid.TextMatrix(3, 0) = "Eric" grid.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Grossman" grid.TextMatrix(1, 1) = "Crabtree" grid.TextMatrix(2, 1) = "Garrison" grid.TextMatrix(3, 1) = "Cartman" grid.TextMatrix(0, 2) = "Denver" grid.TextMatrix(1, 2) = "Boulder" grid.TextMatrix(2, 2) = "South Park" grid.TextMatrix(3, 2) = "Lakeview" grid.FillStyle = 1 grid.Row = 0 grid.Col = 0 grid.ColSel = 2 grid.CellFontBold = True grid.CellFontUnderline = True grid.Col = 0 End Sub Sub ItalicBtn_Click() Dim n n = grid.CellFontItalic If n Then grid.CellFontItalic = False Else grid.CellFontItalic = True End If End Sub Sub StrikeBtn_Click() Dim n n = grid.CellFontStrikeThrough If n Then grid.CellFontStrikeThrough = False Else grid.CellFontStrikeThrough = True End If End Sub Sub TextBtn_Click() grid.Text = inputBox("Input Text","Grid Object") End Sub Sub UnderlineBtn_Click() Dim n n = grid.CellFontUnderline If n Then grid.CellFontUnderline = False Else grid.CellFontUnderline = True End If End Sub
option explicit dim MaxRows, MaxCols MaxRows = 31 MaxCols = 15 MainForm_Show 'Default Form '*******Main Routine********* call startUp call LoadBlock '*******End Main Routine********* '******* Routines ********** sub LoadBlock() 'populates the table dim i, j for j = 0 to MaxCols for i = 0 to MaxRows ScrollGrid.textmatrix(i,j) = i & "," & j next 'i 'replace with yyour own code: give columns different widths: ScrollGrid.colwidth(j)= 350 + j * 20 GridColTitles.colwidth(j)= 350 + j * 20 next 'j 'can have different row heights, too: ScrollGrid.rowheight(12)= 350 GridRowTitles.rowheight(12)= 350 'to set to 0,0 ScrollGrid.Row = 0 ScrollGrid.Col = 0 GridRowTitles.Row = 0 end sub '************************ sub setRow(myRow) 'sets-up current grid row parameters ScrollGrid.RowHeight(myRow) = 203 GridRowTitles.RowHeight(myRow) = 203 GridRowTitles.Col = 0 GridRowTitles.Row = myRow GridRowTitles.CellAlignment = 7 ScrollGrid.CellFontName = "Courier New" GridRowTitles.textmatrix(MyRow,0) = MyRow end sub 'setRow '************************ sub startUp dim i,j 'set-up grid - Col width you set GridRowTitles.ColWidth(0) = 353 for i = 0 to MaxRows setRow(i) next 'i for j = 0 to MaxCols GridColTitles.textmatrix(0,j) = j ScrollGrid.ColWidth(j) = 270 GridColTitles.ColWidth(j) = 270 next 'j GridColTitles.enabled = false GridRowTitles.enabled = false end sub 'startUp '******* End Routines ****** '*******Grid Routines ******** sub ScrollGrid_scroll() 'scroll grid, scroll titles when grid scrolled if GridRowTitles.TopRow <> ScrollGrid.TopRow then GridRowTitles.TopRow= ScrollGrid.TopRow end if if GridColTitles.LeftCol <> ScrollGrid.LeftCol then GridColTitles.LeftCol= ScrollGrid.LeftCol end if end sub '******* End Grid Routines **** '*** Begin Generated Code *** Dim AppEXEName: AppEXEName = "ScrollGrid" Dim AppPath: AppPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\heintzwf\my documents\Private\Personal\NSItems\Projects\ScrollGrid.txt" MainForm_Show 'Default Form Dim MainForm_Temp Sub MainForm_Show On Error Resume Next UpdateScreen If IsEmpty(MainForm_Temp) Then AddObject "Frame", "MainForm_Form", 0, 0, Output.Width, Output.Height MainForm_Form.Visible = False MainForm_Form.BackColor = 12632256 AddObject "PictureBox", "MainForm", 0, 0, 0, 0, MainForm_Form MainForm.BorderStyle = 0 MainForm.Move 0, 0, MainForm_Form.Width * 15, MainForm_Form.Height * 15 Set MainForm_Temp = MainForm MainForm_Form.Caption = "MainForm" Execute "AddObject " & chr(34) & "GridCtrl.GridCtrl" & chr(34) & ", " & chr(34) & "GridColTitles" & chr(34) & ", 24, 16, 204, 38, MainForm_Form" GridColTitles.Cols = 16 GridColTitles.Rows = 1 GridColTitles.ScrollBars = 1 '-------- Execute "AddObject " & chr(34) & "GridCtrl.GridCtrl" & chr(34) & ", " & chr(34) & "GridRowTitles" & chr(34) & ", 0, 32, 104, 129, MainForm_Form" GridRowTitles.CellAlignment = 7 GridRowTitles.Cols = 1 GridRowTitles.Rows = 32 GridRowTitles.ScrollBars = 2 GridRowTitles.ScrollTrack = True '-------- Execute "AddObject " & chr(34) & "GridCtrl.GridCtrl" & chr(34) & ", " & chr(34) & "ScrollGrid" & chr(34) & ", 24, 32, 217, 142, MainForm_Form" ScrollGrid.Cols = 16 ScrollGrid.Rows = 32 '-------- End If MainForm_Form.Visible = True MainForm_Load End Sub 'MainForm_Show Sub MainForm_Hide If IsEmpty(MainForm_Temp) Then Err.Raise 44000, , "Form not loaded" Exit Sub End If On Error Resume Next MainForm_Form.Visible = False MainForm_Unload End Sub 'MainForm_Hide '*** End Generated Code ***