Tech Note 03j: ListView Object

January 5, 2007

© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved.

For more information on this control, see Microsoft's documentation.

This control displays items using one of four different views: large (standard) icons, small icons, list, and report. You can arrange items into columns with or without column headings. You can display accompanying icons and text.

This control has been replaced by NSBControls.dll.

Sample Code

Here is a sample contributed by Heiko Stolte. It can be downloaded, with the image files it uses, from

Option Explicit
ShowOKButton True

' adapted to nsbasic by Heiko Stolte 2006

' copy all bitmaps ( 256 colors !!!!)to \my documents
' this color thing is important,
' otherwise you get an format error 

' if needed:
' ShellExecute "open","regsvrce","msceimagelist.dll"

' view style
Const lvwIcon = 0
Const lvwSmallIcon = 1
Const lvwList = 2
Const lvwReport = 3
' labeledit
Const lvwManual = 1
Const lvwAutomatic = 0
' alignment
Const lvwColumnLeft = 0
Const lvwColumnRight = 1
Const lvwColumnCenter = 2
' sort order
Const lvwAscending = 0
Const lvwDescending = 1
' Find Item Where
Const lvwText = 0
Const lvwSubitem = 1
Const lvwTag = 2
Dim Sort(2)

Sub Form1_Load()
   Dim name
   ' the objects
   AddObject "Textbox", "TB1" ,10 ,10 ,100 ,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "AddBtn",120,10,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "RemoveBtn",180,10,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "FormBtn",120,40,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "viewOption_Icon",120,70,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "viewOption_SmallIcon",180,70,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "viewOption_List",120,100,50,20
   AddObject "CommandButton", "viewOption_Report",180,100,50,20
   AddObject "ceimagelist.imagelistctrl.1","ImageList1",0,0,0,0
   AddObject "ceimagelist.imagelistctrl.1","ImageList2",0,0,0,0
   AddObject "listviewctrl.listviewctrl.1","listView",10,130,220,120
   AddBtn.Caption = "Add"
   RemoveBtn.Caption = "Remove"
   FormBtn.Caption = "Change"
   viewOption_Icon.Caption = "Big"
   viewOption_SmallIcon.Caption = "Small"
   viewOption_List.Caption = "List"
   viewOption_Report.Caption = "Report"
    ' big icons
    ImageList1.Add("\My Documents\test1.bmp")
    ImageList1.Add("\My Documents\test2.bmp")
    ImageList1.Add("\My Documents\test3.bmp")
    ImageList1.Add("\My Documents\test4.bmp")
    ' small icons
    ImageList2.Add("\My Documents\test5.bmp")
    ImageList2.Add("\My Documents\test6.bmp")
    ImageList2.Add("\My Documents\test7.bmp")
    ImageList2.Add("\My Documents\test8.bmp")
    ' connect listview with imageview
    ListView.Icons = ImageList1.hImageList
    ListView.SmallIcons = ImageList2.hImageList
    ' header 
    ListView.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Name", 1500,lvwColumnLeft 
    ListView.ColumnHeaders.Add , , "Form", , lvwColumnRight
    ' items one possibility
    ListView.ListItems.Add 1 ,"1" , "Kevin", 1, 1
    ListView.ListItems(1).SubItems(1) = "kid"
    ' items or so
    Dim i
    Set i = ListView.ListItems.Add(, , "Kyle", 2, 2)
    i.SubItems(1) = "kid"
    Set i = ListView.ListItems.Add(, , "Eric", 3, 3)
    i.SubItems(1) = "kid"
    Set i = ListView.ListItems.Add(, , "Mr. Garrison", 4, 4)
    i.SubItems(1) = "Teacher"
    Set i = ListView.ListItems.Add(, , "Mr. Hankey", 4, 4)
    i.SubItems(1) = "Puppet"

    ListView.View = lvwReport
    ListView.ListItems.Item(1).Selected = True
    TB1.Text = ListView.ListItems.Item(1).SubItems(1)
    Sort(1) = True
    Sort(2) = True
End Sub

Sub AddBtn_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim i
    Set i = ListView.ListItems.Add(, , "New item", 1, 1)
    If Err.Number Then
        MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub

Sub RemoveBtn_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    ListView.ListItems.Remove (ListView.SelectedItem.Index)
    If Err.Number = 424 Then
        MsgBox "No selected item"
    ElseIf Err.Number Then
        MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub

Sub FormBtn_Click()
    ' gives textbox text to subitem   
    On Error Resume Next
    ListView.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) = TB1.Text
    If Err.Number = 424 Then
        MsgBox "No selected item"
    ElseIf Err.Number Then
        MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) & ": " & Err.Description
    End If
    On Error Goto 0
End Sub
' the different views
Sub ViewOption_Icon_Click()
    ListView.View = lvwIcon
End Sub

Sub ViewOption_SmallIcon_Click()
    ListView.View = lvwSmallIcon
End Sub

Sub ViewOption_List_Click()
    ListView.View = lvwList
End Sub

Sub ViewOption_Report_Click()
    ListView.View = lvwReport
End Sub
' ColumnClick event
' sort by click on header
Sub ListView_ColumnClick(Index)
    If Sort(Index) Then
        Sort(Index) = False
        ListView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
        Sort(Index) = True
        ListView.SortOrder = lvwDescending
    End If
    ListView.SortKey = Index - 1
    ListView.Sorted = True
End Sub
' itemClick event
Sub ListView_ItemClick(Index)
    TB1.Text = ListView.ListItems.Item(Index).SubItems(1)
End Sub

'*** Begin Generated Code ***

Form1_Show 'Default Form

Dim Form1_Temp
Sub Form1_Show
   On Error Resume Next


   If IsEmpty(Form1_Temp) Then
      AddObject "Frame", "Form1_Form", 0, 0, Output.Width, Output.Height
      Form1_Form.Visible = False
      Form1_Form.BackColor = 12632256
      AddObject "PictureBox", "Form1", 0, 0, 0, 0, Form1_Form
      Form1.BorderStyle = 0
      Form1.Move 0, 0, Form1_Form.Width * 15, Form1_Form.Height * 15
      Set Form1_Temp = Form1
      Form1_Form.Caption = "Form1"
   End If
   On Error Goto 0
   Form1_Form.Visible = True
End Sub  'Form1_Show

Sub Form1_Hide
   If IsEmpty(Form1_Temp) Then
      Err.Raise 44000, , "Form not loaded"
      Exit Sub
   End If

   Form1_Form.Visible = False
End Sub  'Form1_Hide

Sub callIfExists(theSub)
Dim s
If ScriptEngineMajorVersion < 5 Then
  Execute("On Error Resume Next:"&theSub) 'attempt to execute it
  On Error Resume Next
  Set s = GetRef(theSub)
  If err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub 'it does not exist
  On Error GoTo 0
  Execute (theSub) 'execute it
End If
End Sub

'*** End Generated Code ***