Tech Note 03n : Using the TabStrip and ImageList ControlsMarch 12, 2003© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved. |
For more information on this control, see Microsoft's documentation.
The TabStrip control allows you to format a screen with tabs across the top. Tapping each tab brings up a different screen.
The ImageList control allows you to place an icon on the tabs of the TabStrip control.
REM Gauger for Windows CE 1.10 REM Author: Borut Lunder, MD, Slovenia REM Use the same decimal symbol as set in Control Panels/Regional Settings REM Demonstration of Tabstrip control option explicit dim meter,liter,square,titlebar,filemenu,helpmenu,lok,mok,wok,eok,weight addobject "cetabstrip.tabstrip.1","tab1",10,10,output.width-20,output.height-20 addobject "ceimagelist.imagelistctrl.1","imagelist" titlebar=array("File","Help") setmenu "titlebar",titlebar FileMenu=array("Exit") setmenu "File",FileMenu HelpMenu=array("About") setmenu "Help",HelpMenu imagelist.imagewidth=16 imagelist.imageheight=16 imagelist.add "\basic samples\copy.bmp" tab1.imagelist=imagelist.himagelist tab1.fontsize=10 tab1.tabwidthstyle=2 tab1.style=0 tab1.tabs.add 1,,"Length" tab1.tabs.add 2,,"Extent" tab1.tabs.add 3,,"Measure" tab1.tabs.add 4,,"Weight" tab1.tabs.remove 5 addobject "textbox","lpic3",output.width/2,110,100,18 addobject "textbox","lpic2",output.width/2,60,100,18 addobject "textbox","lpic1",output.width/8,110,100,18 addobject "textbox","lpic",output.width/8,60,100,18 addobject "textbox","epic3",output.width/2,110,100,18 epic3.hide addobject "textbox","epic2",output.width/2,60,100,18 epic2.hide addobject "textbox","epic1",output.width/8,110,100,18 epic1.hide addobject "textbox","epic",output.width/8,60,100,18 epic.hide addobject "textbox","mpic3",output.width/2,110,100,18 mpic3.hide addobject "textbox","mpic2",output.width/2,60,100,18 mpic2.hide addobject "textbox","mpic1",output.width/8,110,100,18 mpic1.hide addobject "textbox","mpic",output.width/8,60,100,18 mpic.hide addobject "textbox","wpic3",output.width/2,110,100,18 wpic3.hide addobject "textbox","wpic2",output.width/2,60,100,18 wpic2.hide addobject "textbox","wpic1",output.width/8,110,100,18 wpic1.hide addobject "textbox","wpic",output.width/8,60,100,18 wpic.hide lpic.caption=0 lpic1.caption=0 lpic2.caption=0 lpic3.caption=0 epic.caption=0 epic1.caption=0 epic2.caption=0 epic3.caption=0 wpic.caption=0 wpic1.caption=0 wpic2.caption=0 wpic3.caption=0 mpic.caption=0 mpic1.caption=0 mpic2.caption=0 mpic3.caption=0 lpic.setfocus lok=1 mok=1 wok=1 eok=1 addObject "picturebox","L7",output.width/8+110,60,60,68 addObject "picturebox","L8",output.width/2+110,60,50,68 call inch sub lpic_gotfocus lok=1 end sub sub lpic1_gotfocus lok=2 end sub sub lpic2_gotfocus lok=3 end sub sub lpic3_gotfocus lok=4 end sub sub epic_gotfocus eok=1 end sub sub epic1_gotfocus eok=2 end sub sub epic2_gotfocus eok=3 end sub sub epic3_gotfocus eok=4 end sub sub mpic_gotfocus mok=1 end sub sub mpic1_gotfocus mok=2 end sub sub mpic2_gotfocus mok=3 end sub sub mpic3_gotfocus mok=4 end sub sub wpic_gotfocus wok=1 end sub sub wpic1_gotfocus wok=2 end sub sub wpic2_gotfocus wok=3 end sub sub wpic3_gotfocus wok=4 end sub sub wpic_change on error resume next if wok=1 then weight=wpic.caption wpic1.text=weight/1000 wpic2.text=weight*35.27 wpic3.text=weight*2.205 end if end sub sub wpic1_change on error resume next if wok=2 then weight=wpic1.caption wpic.text=weight*1000 wpic2.text=weight*35270 wpic3.text=weight*2205 end if end sub sub wpic2_change on error resume next if wok=3 then weight=wpic2.caption wpic.text=weight*0.02835 wpic1.text=weight*0.00002835 wpic3.text=weight*0.0625 end if end sub sub wpic3_change on error resume next if wok=4 then weight=wpic3.caption wpic.text=weight*0.453 wpic1.text=weight*0.000454 wpic2.text=weight*16 end if end sub sub lpic1_change on error resume next if lok=2 then meter=lpic1.caption lpic.text=meter*1000 lpic2.text=meter*39370 lpic3.text=meter*3281 end if end sub sub lpic_change on error resume next if lok=1 then meter=lpic.caption lpic1.text=meter/1000 lpic2.text=meter*39.37 lpic3.text=meter*3.281 end if end sub sub lpic2_change on error resume next if lok=3 then meter=lpic2.caption lpic.text=meter*0.0254 lpic1.text=meter*0.0000254 lpic3.text=meter*0.0833375 end if end sub sub lpic3_change on error resume next if lok=4 then meter=lpic3.caption lpic.text=meter*0.3048 lpic1.text=meter*0.0003048 lpic2.text=meter*12 end if end sub sub mpic_change on error resume next if mok=1 then liter=mpic.caption mpic1.text=liter*0.001 mpic2.text=liter*3.785 mpic3.text=liter*158.9 end if end sub sub mpic1_change on error resume next if mok=2 then liter=mpic1.caption mpic.text=liter/1000 mpic2.text=liter*0.0002642 mpic3.text=liter*0.000006292 end if end sub sub mpic2_change on error resume next if mok=3 then liter=mpic2.caption mpic.text=liter*3.785 mpic1.text=liter*3785 mpic3.text=liter*0.02381 end if end sub sub mpic3_change on error resume next if mok=4 then liter=mpic3.caption mpic.text=liter*158.9 mpic1.text=liter*15890 mpic2.text=liter*41.99 end if end sub sub epic_change on error resume next if eok=1 then square=epic.caption epic1.text=square*0.0929 epic2.text=square*100 epic3.text=square*4047 end if end sub sub epic1_change on error resume next if eok=2 then square=epic1.caption epic.text=square*0.0929 epic2.text=square*0.000929 epic3.text=square*0.00002296 end if end sub sub epic2_change on error resume next if eok=3 then square=epic2.caption epic.text=square*100 epic1.text=square*1076 epic3.text=square*0.02471 end if end sub sub epic3_change on error resume next if eok=4 then square=epic3.caption epic.text=square*4047 epic1.text=square*43560 epic2.text=square*40.47 end if end sub sub tab1_click() select case tab1.selecteditem.caption case "Length" lpic.setfocus call inch lpic.show lpic1.show lpic2.show lpic3.show epic.hide epic1.hide epic2.hide epic3.hide mpic.hide mpic1.hide mpic2.hide mpic3.hide wpic.hide wpic1.hide wpic2.hide wpic3.hide case "Extent" epic.setfocus call extent lpic.hide lpic1.hide lpic2.hide lpic3.hide epic.show epic1.show epic2.show epic3.show mpic.hide mpic1.hide mpic2.hide mpic3.hide wpic.hide wpic1.hide wpic2.hide wpic3.hide case "Measure" mpic.setfocus call barel lpic.hide lpic1.hide lpic2.hide lpic3.hide epic.hide epic1.hide epic2.hide epic3.hide mpic.show mpic1.show mpic2.show mpic3.show wpic.hide wpic1.hide wpic2.hide wpic3.hide case "Weight" wpic.setfocus call weight1 lpic.hide lpic1.hide lpic2.hide lpic3.hide epic.show epic1.show epic2.show epic3.show mpic.hide mpic1.hide mpic2.hide mpic3.hide wpic.show wpic1.show wpic2.show wpic3.show end select end sub sub About_click() msgbox " Author: Borut Lunder, MD" & chr(13) & " e-mail: borut.lunder© astamedica.si" & chr(13) & " Slovenska 9a, 1000 Ljubljana" &chr(13) &" Slovenia - Europe",257," Gauger for Windows CE 1.10 " end sub sub Exit_click() bye end sub function barel L7.cls L8.cls L7.drawtext "litre" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "cubic" L8.drawtext "gallon" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "barel" end function function inch L7.cls L8.cls L7.drawtext "meter" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "kilometer" L8.drawtext "inch" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "feet" end function function Extent L7.cls L8.cls L7.drawtext "sq.meter" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "sq.feet" L8.drawtext "are" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "acre" end function function weight1 L7.cls L8.cls L7.drawtext "kilogram" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "" L7.drawtext "tone" L8.drawtext "ounce" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "" L8.drawtext "pound" end function