Tech Note 01: Common ProblemsJuly 16, 2007
© NS BASIC Corporation. All rights reserved. |
1. "Error 429..." or
"Unable to get typelib info: reinstall NSBComdlg.dll" when starting IDE
This indicates that something has gone wrong in the Windows Registry. Run
\Program Files\nsbasic\desktop\Register.bat as Administrator to fix this.
2. Norton Anti Virus: "Malicious script detected" message, with File showing as "NSBIDE.exe".
Click on "Authorize this script". NAV is being overzealous here. It is objecting to the NS Basic IDE doing a normal operation using a standard Microsoft interface. Authorizing it here will not compromise the security in your system in any way. To permanently stop this message, start Norton Antivirus and go into Options. Under Script Blocking, turn off "Enable Script Blocking".
3. "Cannot create an object of that type - Error 80040112"br> This can happen when you use one of the controls that comes with Microsoft's VB6, such as ComDlg32.ocx or MSWinsck.ocx. Only developers with a valid design-time license for the control may distribute the control for use in their applications. The control and design-time license can be obtained by downloading the VB 5.0 Control Creation Edition (VBCCE), purchasing VB 6.0, or installing a VB6 app that uses the controls.
4. Run Time Error 380 - Invalid Property Value
This is caused by having only True Type fonts enabled. In the Fonts Control panel, in the View Options dialog there's a True Type Fonts
tab. In this is a check box entitled "Show only True Type fonts
in the programs on my computer". Unchecking this solves the problem.
If you are still having problems, please contact us at support@nsbasic.com. We will be happy to help you!