George Henne
NS BASIC Corporation
416 264-5999

NS BASIC ships new books for Schools
September 8, 1997

NS BASIC Corporation is now shipping two new textbooks to aid in teaching NS BASIC on the Apple eMate 300.

Learning NS BASIC with Visual Designer is a 200 page book, full of examples, quizzes, games and fun. It is divided into 12 chapters, which the teacher can pick and choose from, or go through sequentially.

The NS BASIC Teacher's Handbook provides companion material for teachers, including answers to the quizzes and pages that are easy to copy onto overheads. The books are aimed at students in middle and high school.

"I really like the book," said Bob Densmore, an Apple Distinguished Educator. "I find that running BASIC on the eMate is surprisingly fast and the book is well laid out."

NS BASIC is an easy to learn, yet powerful, programming language for the eMate 300 and other Newton devices. Students start with a very simple and interactive interface that keeps them in the game while learning more advanced concepts. Programs can be both created and run on the eMate, fitting the eMate 300's "Anytime, anywhere" mission.

As well as being a useful tool in teaching programming, NS BASIC is a useful tool for Science and Math classes. With an easy to use serial interface, it can also be used to collect data and control devices.

Studies have shown beginning students complete their course work more often in BASIC than in other languages. The simple syntax keeps students from being frustrated and turning off before they can get involved in the learning process. It's also an important language beyond the classroom: it is used by more professional programmers than all other languages combined.

Learning NS BASIC is priced at $19.95; the Teacher's Handbook is $29.95.

NS BASIC has users in over 40 countries. Features of NS BASIC include fully indexed file I/O, handwritten input, serial, modem and infrared communications, windowing and buttons. Applications can create their own files or access built-in system information.

The new books can be ordered online from NS BASIC's web site at, or by fax to 416 264-5888. Visa and Mastercard are accepted; shipping is additional. All amounts are in US funds.