18. NS BASIC Tech Note: Why doesn't the internal RAM add up to 2 Megs? 26 Feb 96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Contributed by Jonathan Kipling Knight (KKnight-COS3© Kaman.com) of Colorado Springs, CO] For those of you with Newton 2.0 who were wondering where all of your Internal RAM goes here is some technical trivia. I was able to find where the rest of the 2 Megs went after you take out the 1361k for the "Internal" store and the 512k for the System RAM. Apple made an invisible store called "WorldData" taking up 219k of Internal RAM. It contains all the location soups like "Cities" and "Countries". Here is a listing of a program that will make the "WorldData" store visible for as long as you don't ReBoot: 0010 LET stores:=GetStores() // The : is important here 0020 LET sp:=GetLocationSoup("Cities") 0030 LET q:=Query(sp,{type:'index,indexPath:'_uniqueID}) 0040 LET e:=u.q:Next() 0050 LET st:=EntryStore(e) 0060 FOR i=0 to Length(stores)-1 0070 IF st=stores[i] THEN GOTO 40 0080 NEXT i 0090 AddArraySlot(stores,st) 0100 END After you run this, the new store will show up on any utility that looks at stores and soups. Open up the Extras Drawer and you'll find new soups in the Storage Folder and you'll find the Memory Info for "WorldData" under the Info icon. Any soup browsing utility can now look at the once invisible soups (though they are WriteProtected).