NS BASIC Tech Note December 18, 1996 33. Accessing and Using Other Files, Data, and Applications ------------------------------------------------------------------- The GETROOT() Function returns the root frame of your Newton. Every application currently installed on your Newton is accessible via this frame. Because of their large size, you should always use the special := assignment operator to point to this frame. The first example program will display all of the items stored in the root frame. The output of this list is quite large, and will not be reproduced in this technote. This program is completely safe. You can enter and run it on your Newton with no risk of data loss. 10 REM getroot() Example 20 rootFrame := getroot() 30 rootElements := elements(rootFrame) 40 numElements = length(rootElements)-1 50 FOR i = 0 TO numElements 60 PRINT rootElements[i] 70 NEXT i The next example will open the Names application, and is also completely safe: 10 getroot().cardFile:open() The :open() in the above program tells the Names application to open as if you had tapped Names. The built-in applications respond to :open() and :close(). The names of the built-in applications are paperRoll (Note Pad), calendar (Dates), cardFile (Names), extrasDrawer (Extras), and assistant (Assist). The last example program will display all of the fields in your user configuration frame. The output of this list is quite large, and will not be reproduced in this technote. This program is completely safe. You can enter and run it on your Newton with no risk of data loss. 10 REM GETROOT().userConfiguration Example 20 rootFrame := GETGLOBALS().userConfiguration 30 rootElements := ELEMENTS(rootFrame) 40 numElements = LENGTH(rootElements)-1 50 FOR i = 0 TO numElements 60 PRINT rootElements[i] 70 NEXT i There are several built-in functions that are not documented in this handbook that my be used in NS BASIC. Warning: Many of the built-in functions are not documented. Others may freeze your Newton. Do not try to use any function you do not understand. Be aware that the use of these functions may cause data loss. Not all Newton devices may have the same built-in functions.