Tech Note April 27, 1997 43 Using Mathlib from Prism Research ----------------------------------------------------------------- MathLib is an object-oriented mathematical library of routines that is accessible to NS BASIC. It includes 2 libraries: a math library with 5 constants and 52 functions, and a statistics library with 55 functions. It's easy to use these functions from an NS BASIC program. Use the getLibrary() function to initialize the functions, then use them as you would any other user defined function. Example: 10 rem demonstrate mathLib 20 lib:=getLibrary('math) 30 print lib.pi 40 print U.lib:BaseConv(3.14159,22) run 3.14 "3.32BE" Note that constants use a simple expression such as lib.pi, while function calls use the same syntax as regular user defined functions: a "U." in front of the function to be called. To call the statistical library, use 'random as the argument to the getLibrary function. The Mathlib routines are supplied by Prism Research 8031 N. Academy Blvd. #332 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 email: JKBordini© To get the MathLib package, visit You can download a 14 day demo; there is a cost for a permanent copy. Functions and constants in the Math library: acos, AddInteger, ArrayAve, ArrayMax, ArrayMin, ArrayRemoveDuplicates, asin, atan, atan2, BaseConv, Bernoulli, Bessel, beta, BinCoeff, ChebyshevDerivative, ChebyshevFit, ChebyshevIntegral, ChebyshevPolynomial, CleanComplex, cos, Derivative, e, Erf, euler, Eulers, exp, fabs, Factorial, FloorMod, Gamma, GaussJordan, i, Imaginary, IncompleteBeta, IncompleteGamma, Infimum, infinite, Integral, IsComplex, LBinCoeff, lgamma, LinearRegression, log, MakeComplex, ModifiedBessel, MultiplyInteger, negate, NegateInteger, Norm, pi, PolyGamma, PolyNom, PolynomialSolution, pow, QGaussIntegral, Real, RidderDerivative, RiemannZeta, RoundSigFigs, sin, SinSeries, sqrt, Square, SubtractInteger, Supremum, tan Functions and constants in the Statistics library: Arrangements, Bernoulli, beta, Binomial, Cauchy, chiSquared, choose, delta, DiscreteUniform, EstimateCumulation, EstimateDiscreteness, EstimateMedian, EstimateMode, EstimateProbability, Exponential, Gamma, Geometric, Gumbel, Hypergeometric, Logarithmic, Logistic, LogNormal, MassiveBoson, MassiveFermion, MasslessBoson, MasslessFermion, Maxwell, NegativeBinomial, Normal, Pareto, Poisson, PT5, PT6, Rayleigh, SGamma, Snedecor, SNormal, Student, SUniform, Uniform, vonMises, Weibull