NS Basic/Palm Goes Native!
Features Database Aware Grid Control.
May 18, 2004 - NS BASIC Corporation announced today the immediate availability of NS Basic/Palm 4.2. It includes powerful new Grid control. "We've always wanted a Grid control in NS Basic.", said George Henne, President of NS BASIC Corporation. "The challenge was to make one powerful enough to be useful, yet still keep it easy to use. The ability to automatically read and display data from a Palm datase will greatly simplify the development of Palm OS applications." The grid control can be populated with data on a cell by cell basis, or linked to a Palm OS database. If there is more than a screenful of data, scrolling is handled automatically. Data types supported include strings, numbers and checkboxes. A filter can be specified to select which records are displayed from a database. The new version is available immediately for $149.95 USD. Upgrades for existing users start at $49.95. Customers who already have NS Basic/Palm 4 or bought after October 1, 2003 will get the upgrade for free. Existing NS Basic programs are upwardly compatible with the new version. More about NS Basic for Palm OS On the desktop, NS Basic for Palm runs on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. It also runs on Mac under Virtual PC and Linux under Win4Lin and VmWare. The executables produced will run on any Palm OS device using Palm OS 3.1 or later. The IDE is available in 10 different languages. About NS BASIC |