NS BASIC Corporation is pleased to announce our 7th Programming Contest. We're expecting some cool entries which take advantage of the new capabilities of devices and NS Basic. In the past contests we have seen great improvement of entries in quality, performance and sophistication: we expect to see more this time.
We have three categories: Windows CE, Palm OS and Desktop. All registered NS Basic users are welcome to participate in the contest. Prizes are $100 USD in each category, plus a special prize in the NS Basic/Desktop category.
You may enter more than one program. Judging will be by NS Basic's experts. All judging is arbitrary and final. We will be looking for quality, performance, ease of use, sophistication and overall coolness. Apps can be whatever you use NS Basic for: Enterprise, business, commercial, education, games or even something whimsical.
All programs must be written using NS Basic/CE, NS Basic/Desktop or NS Basic/Palm. Entries may be commercial, shareware or freeware. Please indicate with your entry whether we can share your program or screenshots with the public.
Send your questions and entries to contest© nsbasic.com.
The deadline for entries is September 01 at 12:00 midnite EST.
NS Basic/CE
NS Basic allows developers who have used tools like Visual Basic and eMbedded Visual Basic to rapidly develop applications for Windows CE devices. NS Basic is a complete, powerful development environment. NS Basic includes features such as databases, serial and IR communications, signature capture, bar code reading, wireless communications and more.
Last year's winners can be seen here: http://www.nsbasic.com/ce/info/contest3/
NS Basic/Desktop
NS Basic/Desktop creates apps which run on Windows XP and Windows 2000. It's highly compatible with NS Basic/CE - code often requires only small changes to run on both platforms. In addition to the award for the best program in this category, we have a prize donated by Microsoft: The best UMPC compatible app submitted will win a Samsung Q1 UMPC.
This is the first year that NS Basic/Desktop is in the contest.
NS Basic/Palm
NS Basic allows developers who have used tools like Visual Basic to rapidly develop applications for Palm OS devices. NS Basic is a complete, powerful development environment. NS Basic includes features such as databases, serial and IR communications, signature capture, bar code reading, wireless communications and more.
Last year's winners can be seen here: http://www.nsbasic.com/palm/info/contest6/
About NS BASIC Corporation
NS BASIC Corporation has produced easy to use, VB like development tools since 1993. They are the most widely used third party tools for handheld devices. More than 15,000 developers in over 60 countries use NS BASIC's tools for Windows, Palm OS and Windows CE.
For more information, please contact us at info© nsbasic.com.
There is a Contest FAQ here: http://www.nsbasic.com/contestfaq.htm