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Kudos - General

These are unsolicited comments from people who have used NS Basic/Palm. The most recent comments are at the end of the file.

"NS Basic is excellent. It means that I can now get all my own Visual Basic utilities working on my Palm. I will be recommending it. Thanks." -- Ian Hutchings, England

"I really am pleased with the product!" -- Peter Savas

"Great Product - better than the CE one (which I also have!) and that was fantastic." -- Tim Kiel, England

"I am very impressed." -- Dr.H.P. Heimes, Germany

"Very cool product" -- Stewart Alpert

"I just received NS Basic/Palm this weekend, and also own NSBasic/CE. I liked the CE version, but found it hard to develop on the CE machine itself. I think the Palm approach is fantastic. I was able to install it, Install POSE, and whip up a quick prototype in a relaxing Sunday Afternoon. Anyway, thanks for a great product, and I can't wait to talk my contract into a development project." -- Raul Escobar

"I just received NS Basic/Palm and ran the first tutorial, installed the program and runtimes on my Palm. It worked perfectly. I am awed. " -- Fred Thorlin

"Thanks for the prompt response George, I feel that the development community is in good hands with your team. Iv'e installed NS Basic and noticed a few things...

  • New/first application was created within an hour of getting NSBasic - it was very easy to re-utilize knowledge of basic/vb
  • I like the default application icons
  • Bitmaps work very well too
  • The database handling works very well - I'll be setting up a serial app soon.
  • I like the way the fonts work - I use the various symbols a lot
Looking forward to updates. Keep up the excellent work - you & your team are doing a great job! " -- Jeff Debrosse

"Thanks for producing this product. I would have no problem recommending it to anyone interested in developing for the PalmOS. " -- Michael Frangiskakis

"So far I am very happy with the ease of use of the IDE. I have been able to create functioning (although not very functional!) programs in a few dayswithout a lot of effort, and it has been several years since I did any programming. " -- Joe Shuman

"Thanks. The product itself is great and I believe the only quality combined with ease of use for the Palm out there right now. " -- Stanislav Fritz

"NSBasic is great." -- Scott Cismoski

"Like the program, very easy to use." -- Kevin McGowan

"Keep up the great work!" -- Eric Cornwell

"Great Product!!!" -- John R Franklin PhD

Thanks and congratulations" -- Luca Raffaelli

"Thank you for the upgrade. NS Basic/Palm is getting better every week. Congratulations for your excellent work." -- Lino E. Costa, Argentina

"I got my package this weekend and I love the book! Spiral bound is SO much better than the others - you guys do pay attention to details. Thanks!!" -- Michael Wegner

"I just wanted to thank you for producing such a great and wonderful program such as NSBasic. We at Empowering Technologies are looking forward to the next contest as well as the next release of NSBasic. Keep up the great work!!!!" -- Thomas Chabra

"First let me say how pleased we are with NS Basic/Palm. While we've only used it for a couple of weeks, it's great. Performance is acceptable and while we've gotten a number of system errors, they're not always reproducible or incapable of workarounds. Thank you again for a terrific product. " -- Robert Delikat

"And by the way, after working on it for 1 day, I can say - Great product. " -- Srinivas R. Loka

"I love your NSBasic compiler. I use Visual Basic 6 on a regular basis, so NSBasic was a snap for me to pickup. " -- Jack Sorenson

"Thank you very much for NS Basic/Palm. This product is great, and I find that all of you have made an excellent job with this. Good luck in the future!" -- Patrik Engberg, Sweden

"Now I'm a bit more used to it, NSBasic's a nice little system. It's made me a convert to the idea of Palm computing!" -- Keith McCormack, England

"Am using NSBasic/Palm and loving it. Great job!" -- Mark Ebell MD, MS

"Thank you for all of your hard work and ingenuity. I think that you have written a very powerful and versatile IDE, and I look forward to future developement." -- Lonnie Kendall

"Thanks for a wonderful product and I look forward to future revisions!" -- Hood Gardner

"...no problem in the field. The guys love it, and NSBasic is a great product in my book. You can quote me on that." -- Douglas J. Kruse

"this program is just what I was looking for!!!" -- Patrick J. Manganiello

"By the way... GREAT PRODUCT!!!!!" -- Ron Madow

"Again - thanks for writing NSBasic - it's the easiest way I've seen to handle a palm." --Stan Armington, Nepal

"Thank you very much. This is a great product." -- Tim Jackson

"Thank you again for sending a great product." -- Tsuyoshi Fukuda, Japan

"I received the NSBasic/Palm today. Just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with it. Its really a lot more than I expected so I'll be getting the NSBasic for windows CE next." -- Hector Marroquin

"Finally, after what has at times seemed like years, but in reality has only been a few short months, as I am writing this post, in the room next to me all of the staff is busy stuffing envelopes with Notices of Tariff violations for payphones located throughout the state of California, created by inspections done on the Visors by our inspectors, using PalmInspect. NO MORE PAPER INSPECTIONS!!!!

"All in all, it has been a wonderful, terrible, exciting, depressing, fantastic, awful experience. The good parts of it was mainly due to NSBasic and the great support from George et al. A number of members of this eGroup also have shared in this. The bad parts were by far mainly due to having to integrate the new application with an existing legacy desktop system (but then who hasn't had to do that?), and all of the changes that needed to be made to the legacy system just to get IT to work right.

Overall, we are very pleased with NSBasic/Palm, and look forward to all the yet to come enhancements, features, etc. that we will be able to add to this application, as well as future applications which we will be developing.

BTW - yes, we ARE making a living from this. I just got a $13K raise, thank you very much!" -- Douglas J. Kruse, PSP Enforcement a public program of the California Public Utilities Commission

"Thanks again for the update, I am really enjoying the software, it is very useful." -- Joe Landa BriarTek Inc.

"all in all, an AMAZING product!" -- Frank Blau

"I am very satisfied of the 1.07 version and fat app." -- Michael de Montlaur, France

"Hey guys... first and foremost... your product rocks... like no other RAD tool out there! -- Frank Blau

"I agree with whomever said that they'd be willing to pay more for the next big version of NS/BASIC Palm if you'd make improvements to the IDE ... what you've done so far is really amazing at the price and you've got the technical code dimensions working well. " -- Michael Strupp

"By the way. I am enjoying the program. Keep up the good work :)" -- Eric Harms

"freakin' amazing. that's all I have to say." -- Frank Blau

"I love your product. I do nice things with it." -- Sylvain Roy Hydro-QuZõbec

"Brilliant product." -- Roderick Starksfield

"I'm really enjoying NSBasic. Best $100 I ever spent." -- Bill Coron

"If you want to program in Basic, then NSBasic is the best game in town. The familiar syntax and basic-event model lends itself to fast development by experienced VB Programmers.

On the plus side:

  • - Good database (you can write user-defined TYPES)
  • - Good forms editor
  • - All the control constructs
  • - Fair scoping rules
  • - Date/Time/Math support (MathLib.prc required for advanced math)
  • - Fast development
  • - Runtime optionally to executable
  • - Good support (here)

On the minus side:

  • - It's NOT Visual Basic.
  • - Rather large runtime (80+ K)
  • - Rather slow running (seen worse though)
  • - No support for more advanced Palm features like API, Preferences
  • & Alarms
  • - No Table/Grid Control
  • - No Clipboard or Find support

On the whole, the price cannot be beat. As you mentioned Sat.Forms is expensive, and CodeWarrier is expensive/difficult to learn.

I like it -- I look forward to enhancments :)" -- Rick Sands

"Thank you for NSBasic! It's terrific!" -- Roger Carroll

"I own a copy of NS Basic Palm. And I Love it." -- Mike Petranech

"This is a great product and really well thought out. Congratulations to you on doing an excellent job." -- Randy Rogel

"By the way, I really like working with NSBasic. I really like the features that allow one to get access to OS functionality and shared libraries." -- Richard Bagdazian

Wow.. what can I say!! I've never written a PalmOS app in my life, and have been looking into how to go about doing it. I recently picked up a number of thick books on the subject and scoured the net when I happened to stumble across your program.

I decided to download it and give it a try. I'm simply amazed! Within an hour and a half I built my "dream app" that I needed! Haven't cracked any of the other big beefy books yet either.

I'm going to kick the tires a bit more on your product before deciding if it will suit all my needs, but I likes what I see so far!

Kudos indeed! -- Lance Taylor

I love NSBasic. Now I have it for both Palm and PocketPC -- Vince Chien

NS-Basic is a very good product. I live in Mexico, and here we don't earn green bucks; here all north american products are EXPENSIVE, but even for me NS-Basic is really cheap. -- Agust’n Far’as Gonz‡le, Mexico

This is a GREAT development tool. -- Mike
I would also like to complement you on your product. It really is quite powerful and, as an experienced Visual Basic programmer, I found it easy to use. It will be very useful in developing Palm based companion apps for some of my applications. -- Dan Ireland
Your NS Basic Programming environmet is one of the easiest to create a Palm application within hours. I love it!. -- Zan Gligorov
I'm really impressed with the NS Basic package - pretty cool. -- Dave Barnett
I love the Product and the Support! -- Tom Schenk
Been a while since we chatted! and the new release contains some great upsides! Have just tried only some simple things but I can now compile and run FAT APPS!!!! ---- :-) ---- WOW - a real treat !!! I am sure there is much more under the hood, so will spend some time with it. Thanks Again ! -- Bob Magill
I'm having a blast with NSBasic, great product! -- Richard Janushan
You should be proud of your team. This is the first time that you will actually get timely updates and bug fixes for the people who actually use the product. Thanks for a GREAT product to begin with. I wish i knew about it earlier! -- JAG
Great product, love it, keep up the great work. -- John
Just wanted to say that you are the best software company I have dealt with. -- Mike
I have just purchased a version of NSBasic, and have found it to be a true RAD tool. -- Gene
Programming for the Palm has been a bit of a challenge for me so far, but even without the benefit of the reference manual (until tonight), I've gotten a lot more done with NSBasic than I ever did using GCC. Thanks for the fine product. I plan to spend a lot of time with it! -- John P. Toscano

I'm an old system IBM 360/370 assembler programmer (hadn't written any code in ten years before August 2000) and the only Basic I had any experience of was the TRS-80 in the early 80's. I found NS Basic really easy to pick up once I got the concept of forms containing objects that you used methods on...

To make the next jump to writing a conduit, I recently purchased a copy of VB and I found the grounding I had in NS Basic made VB quite easy to pick up (at least at the elementary level)... I wonder if any others have found NSB a good way to start VB..?

Anyway, I agree with some of the other comments in the group... start with something a little easier... and 'watch this space'... you'll never get a better group of people or better vendor support to help you... But a warning... be prepared to lose your weekends and evenings... it's surprisingly addictive...! -- Andrew

PS: The spiral bound manual opens flat on the desk.... This is pure genius! (Are you listening Bill..?)

It's so cool to compute with NSB !!! -- Stephane
It's been a very long time since I've done any programming...but I've been having a great time with the product so far. The new GUI for version 2.0 also seems to be a big improvement. -- Bob
This is such a great product, and your support is second to none!! -- Terry
I'm currently using the Palm version of NSBasic and like it a lot! It is very well behaving environment and the compiled programs are steady and not too big (not even the fat versions). -- Jukka Hossi
I received my NS Basic manual today....definitely a class act....I have an immediate warm and fuzzy feeling! -- Jack Chomley, Australia
I'm astounded at the rate you folks implement enhancements. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were in the Open Source arena -- Buddy
George H., if you're out there, you've got a great product and better support for it. I am VERY impressed. -- Al
BTW the best (wisest) $100.00 I've spent! -- Roger Mihara
Thanks for developing such a great language. -- Jason L. Melancon
I'm deeply appreciative of both your product and your almost unreal level of customer support. Your product has proven the Palm to be a more flexible, more absorbing platform than I'd ever thought it could be. -- Garrison LeMasters
I have tried your demo version of NSBasic Palm and almost fell out of my chair when I saw how easy it was. -- Joe MacDonald
I want you to know what a great product you have. -- Tim
Thanks - A great product. We have several applications which will use NSbasic. Keep you updated on how we make out. -- Ulric
I hope my reports have been helpful in your work... Great new version, btw. People will love this... I know I do.. -- David Orriss Jr.
So, you're up and working this late at nite. You guys must love your work. It shows in the product. -- BillC
I am really, really pleased with what I have been able to achieve in such a short time with so little programming knowledge; and I know my fellow managers are going to be mighty impressed. Thanks to all in this Group for all the help; and to George and NSBasic for a great product. Now I am going to work on my "days to retirement" calculator!! -- Hugh
This is an AWESOME product -- has definitely rekindled a lost-love for programming. -- Jim Tate

Thanks George! You and your folks do a great job! Keep it up!

You've got a kick-ass product. I have 'seen the light'. C++ sucks - Basic RULES! -- bri

Congrats on a nice new product. I'm just starting to use it but the IDE is very attractive and familiar to us VB folks. -- Dennis
I enjoy writing programs in NS Basic. It is a very good compiler. -- Sam Maniotes
By the way, the new IDE is supreme. -- Julio Debroy
I have started to use IDE v2 : WOW ! -- Thierry Arbelot
Thanks a lot for a really great product. -- Agust’n Far’as Gonz‡lez
The software is FANTASTIC!!!!!! -- Jim
The new IDE is beautiful. Dramatic improvements, yet an easy transition. I've been away from development for awhile, but I was delighted to dive in 2.0 to start a new app this week. -- Marlon
But this is really cool -- I really do like it. Finally, something as easy as Visual Basic for programming Palm-based handhelds. :) :) :) -- Auri
Thank you for your amazing service. -- Jaume d'Urgell
You guys continue to be great (I've been a user since NS Basic for Newton) -- Martino
Been working with NSBasic for Palm OS. Great IDE!! I work with RealBasic for the Macintosh and VB for Windows. Glad I bought it. -- Pat Camporeale
I all I love this prgram. -- Andrea
you make a good programing for fun !!! I really enjoy it. -- Yuhan
Thank you very much for the prompt response. So far I am VERY please with your product. Long long ago I wrote a lot of code in QuickBasic for data acquisition and NSBasic sort of takes me back to when coding was fun... -- Paul
I have been only using it for a short time but really love it. -- Ian Ross
We love your product. -- Dave
I just wanted to tell you how much I really like version 2! Up to this point, I had not really developed anything new with v2 - I had just recompiled old projects... Version 2 is really cool! You guys did a great job! In my, (not so humble) opinion, it is so much easier to use. I LIKE IT! -- Ron
I never seen such fast response from Software Company. Very good. Thank you, again! -- Patrick
I was only introduced to NS Basic/Palm about 3 days ago. I used the trial version and was very impressed. I ordered my copy yesterday, it arrived today. This is just a note to say "thank you". Version 2.0.3 is fantastic. I am familiar with VB and got into the NS Basic/Palm drivers seat very easily simply by playing and reviewing the help file. The documentation I received with the package is wonderful and answered a few questions I had. I had to write and tell you just how much fun and how fast I have been able to assemble a palm ready program. Thanks once again. -- Jim Houser
You company has done a great job! -- Lester
I am using the latest Beta to build yet another Palm application and I can't tell you what a great job you are doing! This beta is very solid and has great IDE features. I am very Pleased. -- Ken
Nsbasic is a very good product when we understand the concept. It's very great -- Philippe
A vote of confidence in NSBasic :-) -- Al
I have developed an application for GPS data collection using NSBasic and find your product truly elegant. -- Mike
NSBasic seems like a fantastic Palm development tool. -- Ray
Thanks so much for such a great product!!!! -- Ted
Love your product. -- Kerry Podolsky
Thanks for the great product (and support) George! -- Bob Anderson
now about two weeks into using Nsbasic intensively, 6-8 hours a day... I think overall for the money it's wonderful. -- Graham
Downloaded the demo version Friday morning and was creating apps less than an hour later. The Tutorials were great. -- Mark
Thanks again for making NSBasic for Palm a great product, -- Tom Turner
Super product. Far superior to Visual Basic. -- Jeff
ns basic is really a great product and I def. will recommend it to others... It took me less than 4 days to convert a visual basic application to ns basic.. -- Marcus
Not that it's worth a bunch, but anybody who asks me about developing for the Palm I say use NSBasic. -- Mike
We were very impressed at one the response time to which you responded, and were very impressed at the tool itself. I can see a few enhancements needed (such as the code completion) but overall it is a very N&S yet powerful tool. -- Brady Wood
I bought a version 1.0 around 1 year ago, now, i upgrade to 2.0 and the impression is very good. Congratulations for your very good software ! -- Marcelo Botelho
It is a very fine product. -- Chris
NSBasic/Palm 2.1 is rock solid, btw. At least what I've been doing with it has been. You and the guys never cease to amaze me. Totally worth my initial $99 investment.. :-) -- David
'Loving NSB the more I dig into it... -- Robert
This is a GREAT product, I just can't get enough of it. -- Jim Tate Jr.
I have told every programmer that I know just how great your program is -- as well as the unbeatable customer service. -- Jim Tate Jr
Thanks for the great product. (I'm sure your getting tired of hearing that!!) -- Joe Nash
I am well into my first application using NS Basic and it seems to be a fine development environment. Congrats on a good product. -- Larry

5 letters:

G R E A T !!!!

And then a deep bow -- renedohmen

A testament to NSB. I bought NSB last month, released my first project to palmgear.com and already 450 downloads. I'm a pro programmer (with no prior visual basic experience), but I think it's pretty great how quick and easy NSB was to pick up and get going. -- Mark
I neglected to mention that I have also already more than recouped my NSB registration fee of $150 (my project is shareware). -- Mark
Yesterday I have received my NSBASIC package, always my programming language was FORTRAN, but your NSBASIC is excelent. -- Eduardo Vazquez
I didn't have the chance to thank you for a great application (NSBasic). I know I will enjoy it more and more when I get more familiar with it. I would say it is one of the best. -- Constantin Kouchary
I just love NSBasic for my Palm. I have done so much with it. -- Blair Heinzlmeir
NSB 2.0xx is Quite Impressive as well. The development environment is much better than the previous one (1.0x) and is even more intuitive! Hard to believe that they could improve on it but im glad i upgraded. If you want graphical speed look at the ScreenLIB functions your can do some very impressive stuff with it. For the price and ease of use its definitely worth the investment. And no im not a sales rep :) Just a happy customer! -- JAG.
You guys are the best! -- Tom Schenk
It's a pretty clean app! -- Joel
All in all, your compilers are indeed Neat and Simple. -- Eddie
I am delighted with your product!! -- Sean D
I'm a new very happy user of NSBasic for Palm. Congratulation for your job! It's simply... great! -- Lucio LIBERI
I am a fan of NS Basic. It is a great product. -- Mike Berry
Great product. Happy to pay the registration fee. -- Henry Baumeister
I have really enjoyed this package. -- Terri Popson
I am really happy with the NSBasic evolution !!. -- Paco
We like your product as it is simple to use. -- Philippe Cadic
NSBasic is a great program and an excellent value for the money. -- David Cohen
You have a great team. I've really enjoyed NSB. -- Wayne
One of the things that attracted me to nsBasic was the "ring of integrity" I detected in your description, FAQs, etc. Of course, the specs, price and obvious dedication played a part as well not to mention a fearful hatred of Microsoft. I fully expect to be using it to "port" my game to the new generation of *handy devices being supported by Palm and M$. -- Brooke
I would like to tell you that NSBasic is really GREAT! -- Norberto
This has got to be the coolest product around! I'm a C/C++ programmer with some VB experience so it was real easy to start coding right away. While talking about C... I'll need to write some procedures and call them from NSB. -- Bill
I have really enjoyed NSbasic. I am never hesitant to order the upgrade, it's always packed with new features. -- Chris

Don't buy 3.x for the speed improvement. Any speed improvement you get will just be icing on the cake.

Buy it for the language improvements.

I can't speak for George, but I first bought NSB/Palm at 1.x in late Dec 2000. Between then and July 2001, when 2.x became available, NSB significantly improved the language (and the speed!). Between July 2001 when 2.0 was introduced and Oct 2002 when 3.0 was introduced, NSB again added lots of features to the language, and each interim release was again free to registered 2.x users.

Take a look at the list of language enhancements for 3.0, and see if you can justify the $35 fee for a download only upgrade. While NSB is under no obligation to do so, history has shown they are likely to incorporate more new features prior to the next chargable upgrade.

If you purchase the upgrade because of features you are less likely to be disappointed. As I explained in another post, the performance gain from 3.x will vary depending on the project. You may see little or no gain. You may see a significant gain. YMMV.

Version 3.0 also brings NSB fully into compliance with OS5 restrictions, allowing you to run (or market) on these devices as well. I don't know if any of the competing Basic-like environments can make that claim yet! -- Doug

I've upgraded to V3 via download. Excellent, much faster running programs. -- David
Im not trying to butter you up, but I congratulate you, it's a damn good product. -- D.G.Llewelyn
I'm looking forward to checking out the new features. The speed increase is dramatic! Thanks for making a great product even better. -- Tom Turner

All the additions and improvements look great! You really do listen to what we want and don't want...the "screen memory" of v.2 can essentially be set to on or off, there is a "clear all variable" function and you have added memory card support!!!

NSB, you are doing good. ........Steve

I love NSBasic and am really enjoying the fruits of my labors with this great programming tool. -- Lonnie Davis
This version of NSB is solid. I've worked with it for two days straight (more than 12 hours of programming) and haven't blown anything up. Other than a wierd font error I reported earlier, this version is ROCKIN'! -- Jon
All in all I must say I'm very happy I bought NSBasic. I have been writing programs for two years now and have sold almost 1000 programs already. At an average of $10 a piece, this has reduced the cost I have paid for NSBasic to a minimum. And not to mention the excellent help and advise I have received right here on this very mailing list. -- Werner Terreblanche
You guys are still going a great job! (That's why I keep coming back :) ) -- Chris
By the way I love your product. I've been using it since 1.0 for palm. Great work. -- Mike Felkins
NS Basic is amazing! I have been programming in VB ever since it was Beta so your IDE looks very familiar to me. I have been playing with NS Basic for about an hour now and words can not express my amazement with your program. Good job! -- Jim Dolson, Grand Rapids, MI
Great improvement with speed with this new version, one of my programs is now twice as fast. -- David G L Anderson, England
A fine piece of software. Easy to program, simple to understand, fast execution on my Tungsten T, i am relay satisfied! -- Christian Sandmann
I tend to mistrust marketing fluff, but NSBasic really is fast and easy, just like it says in some of the testimonials you posted. -- Lojko, Ed
Would appreciate having my permanent serial number quicker. Up here in Alaska, the mail has its vagaries. Did a internet search and got the demo version on Friday. Purchased NSBasic last night when it became very apparent that it would do the job. Already have my first little utility program essentially finished. I made a super easy to use pregnancy gestation/EDC/conception/LMP calculator which I want to use immediately in the office. I am an Obstetrician-Gynecologist. I program at the intermediate level with VB 6, and have been programming since the 70's in basic starting on a Commodore PET. I have owned every version of VB, Quickbasic, and the older line oriented MS basics. Purchased a my first PDA, a Sony Clie just to use the ePocrates program (essentially a physicians reference to all aspects of all drugs) only a week ago. But programming being a major hobby, I couldn't help but see all the things I wanted to do for which I couldn't find good commercial solutions. My next project will involve a database application. It looks like NSBasic will fill that need. Thanks for the fine product! -- Jim
I am so glad that I am working with NSBasic, the forum and software is top notch and I am creating an application that would have been totally impossible otherwise since I have no intention of getting into C. -- Mike White

I am very satisfied with your product.
Why NSBasic is cool
1. This is SO much easier then Code Warrior
2. IDE is tight
3. Fully featured command set
-- bill nadvornik

Thanks for the great product! I think I'm on my way to creating a project in about 2 weeks that would have taken me about 3 months in any other platform (except VB, which wouldn't have helped much with my Palm).
I'm almost finished my first commercial application using NS Basic/Palm and I'm happy to let you know that you have a great product. Thanks very much. -- Bosco Cheung
In January I tried the demo of NS Basic. I was very plesaed by the program, and even after having tried MobileVB and CASL as well, I still do think that you did the best job. Besides, George gave me excellent service, my compliments!! I also said I would like to buy the product, and that I'd try to convince people at my university for this. However, although everyone is talking with lots of enthusiasm, things are going too slow in my opinion, so finally I decided to buy it myself, I don't want to wait for them anymore. It's just too good to let it go...
I have used NSBasic on a variety of devices ever since its introduction... well all devices actually from the Newton, to Palm and CE and think it is an incredibly valuable development product. -- Shawn G. Doughty
I find NS Basic very enjoyable to use. I have a Zire and have had no problems with either. Great tool NS Basic. - W.F. Sawyer, Australia
thanks for responding.. I am really enjoying working with NS Basic.. I am wondering when I am going to come across something I can't get this thing to do. So far it is very bug free. My background is perl sql programmer and with Director (where I am used to sharing graphics between cast members on the stage) I studied Basic and Fortran ages ago in college.. -- Ward Ryan
-The NSB IDE is terrific, many thanks to NSB. I got my first prototype up in a week (I have an idea for a program with lots of applications that I hope to get out there sometime soon). -- Jim
Thought you might be interested in this ... in an interview that I had yesterday with Palm (the hardware side of the fence), I was asked by five different people what I used to program Palm devices. When I answered NSBasic all five said "I knew you where going to say that". I guess they have been hearing that a lot lately. Congrats, -- Keith
When I bought the license of NS-BASIC version 2.1.1.C, it didn't imagine such an efficient and fast development tool with database. -- J?lio C?sar De Luca, Brazil
"If I do say so myself, your product is a great one. It's distributed right. It's licensed right. It has the right features. Fit and finish is quite good. That's saying something ... being the former product manager of Satellite Forms... (Pumatech)" -- Ray Combs
By the way, awhile ago I set a small business up to sell some of my NSBasic applications on PalmGear and Handango. Yesterday she got a note from a reseller asking for 370 copies of one application...I couldn't believe it. It just goes to show that you guys have a great product that can produce some very nice applications...even by guys like me. Thanks for all your help! -- Bob Anderson
Just a note to pass on my appreciation of NSBASIC for Palm. Once I got used to it, I must admit that it is stable, fast and a nice development environment. Where the IDE differs from VB (and of course it must anyway) I think that the features that it offers actually make it better to use. I have been writing code for Symbol Devices and they have been tidy, Professional looking and solid as they can be... Thanks again for an excellent product. Gary Barnes, Australia
I've been using NSBasic/Palm to develop Palm software for about 6 months now and it's the best product on the market with great support on the web group. -- Bosco Cheung, hong Kong

I will be able to show a working prototype on Thursday, running on a Tungsten T and written in NSB (3 days time).

While I have asked a ton of questions on the forums and of you personally, I have been very favorably impressed by the support. Thanks a lot.

I also like a lot of things about the product. The IDE and compiler, while usable, could be improved, but the executables are lean and mean, and appear to offer reasonably complete access to the Palm environment. I have yet to find anything that I need to do that I cannot do, assuming it can be done at all in a reasonable way. Productivity is excellent.

I had been looking for an alternative to CodeWarrior C. While I know C very well, I also know what writing low-level C in one of these GUI systems is like: very painful and slow as you fight your way through event handlers and memory issues as well as inconsistent and silly API's. I was beginning to think that was our only approach, and now look at where I am at.

I do not know of a better solution and I have looked tirelesly. I will tell Palm this.

I don't think that I need anything for the meeting. If something occurs to you that you would like for me to share with them, please let me know. -- Bob Smith, Covad

I've become an NSBasic user recently, and have to get used to the systrap and NSBSystemLib stuff. But I can only recommend to anyone: GO AND USE IT. -- Robert Hoek, Netherlands
Btw, congratulations are in order! You and your team have grown NS Basic to something quite impressive! I'm glad to have been there from the early days so that I can look back and see all of the progress! It's always good to see a company gain tenure in it's field of expertise. I see that Microsoft has even given NS Basic considerable mention! Kudos! -- Jeff Debrosse,Paradigm Consulting Group
"I downloaded the trial version, and have enjoyed writing some simple applications in the electronics field. I look forward to keeping and modifying these, and writing many more. Being familiar with Visual Basic, using NS Basic is a doddle (as we say this side of the pond)." -- J G Francis, England
I own NSBasic/Palm and have developed several applications with it, all of which communicate with peripheral instruments via serial port and generate graphic images of geometric measurements. I like your development system! -- James K. Hesch, CPE President, Ziatek, Inc.
By the way, I like the NS Basic/Palm s/w very much. Easy to use, intuitive, and has many sample projects. There's a lot of hidden horsepower in your product as I try other features. Great Job! -- Todd L. Smith
"I really like the documentation, good examples, easy to understand. Thank you for such a nice product. NS Basic has to be one of the best value products I have seen in a LONG time!" Joe Lauben, Department of Defense, South Korea
Keep doing the great job you are doing. I'm not a programmer but with your program I have been able to make a good program for my fellow co-workers and myself to help us keep track of our service calls and parts usage. Like I said before keep up the good work -- Juan Reyes
Keep up the good work. Your product and support are excellent. Since we've added an application written with NSBasic to our product line, we've had greater success getting access to larger clients. Having Palm support in our product suite sets us apart from our competition and identifies us as a leading edge software maker in the market we serve. --Ken Faber (we specialize in serving Commercial Pilots and F/As)
Awesome product!! The more apps I build, the more I love it! Thanks much! -- Jim Tate
Thank you for making the great product. I know almost nothing about programming Palm Pilot but was able to re-create my Visual Basic program to Palm Pilot in less than a week. It was my dream and now it become true. -- Yoshikazu Hirai
All worked out great & just finished developing my app. which is also looking great. It's my 5th significant (worth saving & showing) project since getting NSBasic in 2001. -- Stephen G. Giannoni
Keep up the good work - this is a great product! -- Andy Vizulis
Wow! What fun! I bought my first handheld, a Palm Tungsten E, a couple of weeks ago, quickly learned about NS Basic, bought it, and started programming within hours of installing the IDE. Thanks to several years of programming in Visual Basic, plus the excellent sample projects that were included, the learning curve is almost flat -- Onik Arian
You're awsome... -- Sang Nguyen
NS Basic is a dream come true for Palm development. Thank you. -- Pat Luft
BTW - I came across NSB within a week of purchasing my first ever handheld, and love the platform. After years of programming in Visual Basic, I found NSB to have a remarkably gentle learning curve. -- Onik Arian
Hallo und Guten Tag,
ich habe bei Ihnen das Upgrade NSBasic 4.1.4 erhalten und bin begeistert: von dem schnellen Lieferservice, von der sehr guten Dokumentation und insgesamt von Ihrer Firma.
Seit es NSBasic gibt, bin ich Kunde bei Ihnen und 100%ig zufrieden.
Selten habe ich so gute Erfahrungen mit einer Softwarentwicklung gemacht, ein DICKES LOB.
Sollten Sie bei Ihrer Werbung Referenzen hier in Deutschland suchen, bin ich gerne bereit interessierten Kunden vor Ort weiterzuhelfen bzw. Ihr Produkt NSBasic zu empfehlen. Oft ist es nštig, da§ man jemanden um Rat fragen mu§, der sprachlich aus dem gleichen Raum (deutsch) kommt. -- Alles Gute und viel Erfolg fźr Ihre Firma K.M. Wagner

Thanks for the insight and the pointer to how to get it done. As usual, you provide terrific customer support.

By the way, kudos on a wonderful product. You have come a long way from when I first got involved in NSBasic/CE. The Palm version really takes advantage of a hefty toolbox available in the Palm OS 5.0. The speed of execution, too, is amazing. This is going to be a lot of fun! -- Larry G. Johnson, Esq. Legal Technology Group, Inc.

"I am impressed. I just purchased Falch.net product and I am having major problems. I downloaded your demo and created two applications within a matter of minutes and without crashing...' -- Stephen Nelson
I think your software is great! I've able to program some aviation calculations for my M515 palm very quickly, and now I have more complex programs in mind. -- Alan Okazaki
bravo for your amazing product. -- StŽphane Pinel, France
"... just finished our application for the Palm using your NSBasic 4.2. Came out great, NSBasic is all you said. " -- Fred DeRouin
It's an excellent product! Please keep up the great work! -- Dieter Warnholz
I was so impressed with NSBasic after 2 days, I purchased it. have already 2 applications with NSBasic. Thanks, Germain Cassiere
Btw, I am really happy with how the help system is presented and organized. Not that I can't offer any new suggestions make it even better, but I thought it might encourage you a bit to know that I think its one of the best help systems I have used. Lookup on NSBasic functions etc is very fast and clear. I wish companies like Microsoft would take lessons from it. Thank you for making it easy. -- Gary Winslow, Jr A+,N+,L+,I+ Director of Systems American Tax Funding, LLC.
Thanks again for an AWESOME development tool. Regards-- Tim Markoski
Once again, thanks for such a great product. I highly recommend it! -- Robert Spykerman, Australia
NSB its a great product. -- Todd Lomelino
Your tools are really invaluable, the cost is always really low for what you offer. -- Fabrizio Cesare, Italy
Spend the bucks - you won't regret it. Great product - worth every dime. -- Ian
NS Basic has been a delight to work with, solid and simple. -- Ed Scharff
"... the only reason I keep a PC around is because of your software pretty much :) " -- Drew Wohl
Awesome! You rock! Thanks! -- Auri Rahimzadeh
This is a very nice piece of software. -- Joe Martyniuk
and by the way . . . it is important for me to tell you that I am very satisfied with the NS Basic I have, realy it's a pleasure to develope with it. -- Guillermo Drexler, Argentina
Thanks again to you and NSbasic, a great tool for wireless application developers. -- Kevin Sheng
First off my compliments to the NSBASIC code development team. Finally a programming language and version of BASIC that is logical, somewhat intuitive, without being too BASIC. I have generated a fairly sophisticated code using your tool and the code development went very smoothly. -- Timothy J. Sullivan
Woo-hoo! (translation: "Thank you very much for the upgrade. It is a very generous offer and I deeply appreciate it and the continuous work you guys seem to put into improvement of the NSB products and support for same. Thanks, again, Karl Roebling.)
I love the debugger. It is EASILY worth the upgrade price. Throw in code hints + code completion, and this is one huge update. I am very happy with 5.0 - Thanks for the great work! -Jerry Lavish
Awesome product. Very easy to use. -- Peter Stokes, Harris Corporation
Fantastic! And BTW, I have to say that I am very impressed with this package - from a programmer of 22 years :) -- James McDaniel

-I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by NSBasic for the Palm!

Since I received the copy you sent, I have spent WAY too much time playing with it. I will make a small presentation this Thursday at our users group meeting, but I will be making a full presentation next month. I might also do a seminar on how to use NSBasic.

I will send you the applications I have put together as soon as they are done (a few bugs to be worked out) but the richness and completeness of the NSBasic product is overwhelming me!

Thanks! -- Jim Newton Silicon Valley Palm Users Group (SVPUG)

"it is a great product and I enjoyed writing this program with it. Ich weiss, Du kannst auch Deutsch, deshalb danke fur das tolle Programm! Ich als Hobbyprogrammierer fand es ziemlich einfach, damit zu programmieren." -- Stefan Braunstein
The greatness of Basic is it's range. A newbie can write his first program in a few minutes and, by the end of the day, feel quite competent. And experienced Basic programmers, after many years, may still find themselves learning things, occasionally. Also, with NSB products, one has this community to call on for help (and to commiserate! ;=) -- Karl Roebling
I love the environment. Thanks for a great tool. -- David Springs
I am very satisfied with your product. It is the most comprehensive I have seen for the price. -- Joseph S. Moore
Great (and affordable) tools are hard to find. NSBasic is one of those tools that keeps on giving. -- Jeff Bachiochi, Circuit Cellar Magazine
NSBasic really is a great product and is saving me an untold amount of time in developing my project in a timely fashion : ) -- Brian Murphy
I really would like to congratulate NS Basic .. the product is a fast, reliable and quite easy to use developer plataform. -- Marcelo Guimaraes, Brazil
I'm very happy with the software--I've never developed an application this easy or quickly before. -- Billy Johnson
Wanted to write and let you know I am very pleased with the two packages purchased from your firm:
  • A. NSBasic / Palm
  • B. NSBasic / Desktop
Within two days, a few applications have been developed/ported and are undergoing testing on a Vista desktop and a Palm Treo Centro device. I am very pleased with the software packages, their documentation, the sets of tech notes on your company's website and the YAHOO Forums nsbasic-palm and nsbasic-desktop. -- Richard C. (Rick) Murphy
Many thanks for your fast reply and direction.. I got color working aok, it's amazingly easy with your compiler..

Everything I needed to know to get a sample going was on the link you sent of your website 'drill down' links and menus..

THIS EDITER/COMPLIER and THE PALM EMULATOR is just flat out AMAZING!!!! You guys are GOOD!!!!!!

Since I'm getting hooked here, will have to buy the program by time the demo frame runs out in 30 days. However, I hope the 7 version you mentioned is ready and it'll coincide with 'time to buy' !!!

Also, the yahoo group is excellent.. if you need a beta tester , i'm not exactly and expert but i'm no dummy and have made, installed and supported many hardware automation systems to run TV commercials and also another line to do A.T.E. systems using a program development kit called "Testpoint".. built the hardware and all software.. very neat stuff..

Anyway, I am new to the Palm stuff and really excited on possiblitly of testbox control and data logging for ATE applications ... may NOT work, but need to go down the rabbit trail and find out what limitations I may run up against...

A Palm unit is much smaller and easier to integrate than a full size desktop PC running just ONE little'ole program to automate a testing process. .. No windows, No computer, No monitor, No keyboard, etc you know the idea.... -- Dave

NS Basic is the greatest! -- Robert Carson
© NSB Corporation. All rights reserved.