Tech Note 37: Using the DevInfoLib Shared Library July 15, 2005
Copyright 2005 Douglas Handy |
This library was contributed by Douglas Handy.
Introduction Function Index and Quick Reference Function Reference
This library provides some basic information on the device on which it is running.
In order to use the DevInfoLib Shared Library, the library must be
loaded using the NSBasic LoadLibrary statement. This statement should
be located in the program's Startup code so that the functions
will be available throughout the program. The LoadLibrary statement
has an optional second parameter to allow you to specify an abbreviated
reference name for the library's functions. The examples in this
document use "Dev" for this reference name. Example:
Program's Startup code: Sub main() LoadLibrary "DevInfoLib", "Dev" End Sub
Also, in order to use the DevInfoLib Shared Library, the Dev.INF file must be present in your "nsbasic\lib" directory and the Dev.prc file must be added to your project as a resource with a type of "libr".
All the parameter and return data types are either "Integer" or "String".
Function Index and Quick Reference:
Device Information
CompanyID ID = CompanyID()
DeviceID ID = DeviceID()
HALid ID = HALid()
HwrMiscFlags Flags = HwrMiscFlags()
ProcessorID ID = ProcessorID()
GetSystemFeature value = GetSystemFeature(ftr)
GetFeature value = GetFeature(creator, ftr)
SetFeature SetFeature creator, ftr, value
GetBitValue result = GetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber)
SetBitValue result = SetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber, bitValue)
GetSerialNumber SerialID = GetSerialNumber(AddCheckDigit)
HotSyncUserName HSUserName = HotSyncUserName()
HotSyncUserID HSUserID = HotSyncUserID()
BatteryKind Kind = BatteryKind()
BatteryPct Pct = BatteryPct()
BatteryVolts Volts = BatteryVolts()
IsPluggedIn State = IsPluggedIn()
IsDocked State = IsDocked()
DevInfoLib Function Reference:
Device Information
The device information functions provide information about
the current device.
ID = Dev.CompanyID()
Returns the company ID of the device manufacturer. This is
a 4-byte code, as opposed to the name of the vendor. Common
examples are "palm", "sony", "hspr", "grmn", or "Tpwv".
ID as String
Dim ID as String
ID = Dev.CompanyID()
If the code does not begin with a readable ASII character,
an 8-byte string will be returned instead with the hexadecimal
equivalent of the ID.
ID = Dev.DeviceID()
Returns the device ID assigned by the device manufacturer. This is
a 4-byte code, as opposed to the actual model name. Tables of
common models can be found by searching the internet. One such
list may be available at the following address:
ID as String
Dim ID as String
ID = Dev.DeviceID()
If the code does not begin with a readable ASII character,
an 8-byte string will be returned instead with the hexadecimal
equivalent of the ID.
ID = Dev.HALid()
Returns the "HAL" ID assigned by the device manufacturer. HAL
stands for Hardware Abstraction Layer. It is returned as a 4-byte
string value, when it contains a readable mneumonic value.
ID as String
Dim ID as String
ID = Dev.HALid()
If the code does not begin with a readable ASII character,
an 8-byte string will be returned instead with the hexadecimal
equivalent of the ID.
Flags = Dev.HwrMiscFlags()
Returns an integer with hardware flags defined by the vendor. It
may be useful to help distinguish between various models within
some product lines. See aso DeviceID().
Flags as Integer
Dim Flags as Integer
Flags = Dev.HwrMiscFlags()
Unlike CompanyID() and DeviceID(), this is returned as an
integer value instead of a string. This makes it useful to
pass to BitValue() to check the status of individual bits.
ID = Dev.ProcessorID()
Returns an integer representing what type of processor is used
in the device.
ID as Integer
Processor types include:
Dim ID as Integer
ID = Dev.ProcessorID()
value = Dev.GetSystemFeature(ftr)
Returns an integer with the contents of a specific system
"feature" code.
ftr as Integer
System feature number requested.
value as Integer
System feature value, or 0 if the feature does not exist.
Dim value as Integer
Dim ftr as Integer
value = Dev.GetSystemFeature(ftr)
System feature numbers are documented in SystemMgr.h within
the Palm OS SDK. The returned value may be passed to BitValue()
to obtain the status of an individual bit.
value = Dev.GetFeature(creator, ftr)
Returns an integer with the contents of any feature code set
by any application. When used with creator ID "psys", it is
the equivalent of calling GetSystemFeature() above.
creator as String
Creator ID of the feature number requested.
ftr as Integer
Feature number requested (0-32767)
value as Integer
Feature value, or 0 if the feature does not exist.
Dim value as Integer
Dim creator as String
Dim ftr as Integer
value = Dev.GetFeature(creator, ftr)
Feature values are used by some ROM based applications, and
may be set by user applications as well. See SetFeature().
Dev.SetFeature creator, ftr, value
Stores an integer value as a "feature" code under Palm OS.
Features are a fast way to store integers which survive across
invocations of a program. That is, they are like a global
variable which can be recalled the next time the program is
run. However, they do NOT survive a soft reset.
creator as String
Creator ID associated with the feature. It is recommended
to use your own application's creator ID for this.
ftr as Integer
Feature number (0-32767)
value as Integer
Dim creator as String
Dim ftr as Integer
Dim value as Integer
Dev.SetFeature creator, ftr, value
See also SetBitValue() to control individual bits of value.
result = Dev.GetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber)
Returns 1 if the specified bit number is 1, otherwise it
returns 0.
intValue as Integer
Bit to test; bits are numbered from right to left from 0 to 31.
bitNumber as Integer
result as Integer
Dim result as Integer
Dim intValue as Integer
Dim bitNumber as Integer
result = Dev.GetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber)
BitValue() can be useful for analyzing values returned by such
calls as HwrMiscFlags(), GetSystemFeature(), etc.
result = Dev.SetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber, bitValue)
Sets the bit specified by bitNumber to the specified
bit value.
intValue as Integer
Original integer value, before bit is changed.
bitNumber as Integer
Bit to set; bits are numbered from right to left from 0 to 31.
bitValue as Integer
New bit value (0 = off, 1 = on)
result as Integer
New integer value after changing the requested bit.
Dim result as Integer
Dim intValue as Integer
Dim bitNumber as Integer
Dim bitValue as Integer
result = Dev.SetBitValue(intValue, bitNumber, bitValue)
This call may be useful with SetFeature().
SerialID = Dev.GetSerialNumber(AddCheckDigit)
Returns the device ROM serial number, if any, and optionally
the check digit suffix. This value corresponds to the value
display using the default app launcher Info menu on the Version
tab, and appears just below the OS version.
bit value.
AddCheckDigit as Integer
Specify 0 to exclude the check digit; 1 to include the check digit.
SerialID as String
Serial number of device, when available.
Dim SerialID as String
Dim AddCheckDigit as Integer
SerialID = Dev.GetSerialNumber(AddCheckDigit)
Many common devices do not have a ROM serial number, and no
amount of wishing will make it so. Serial numbers will be a
12 byte string without the check digit, and a 14 byte string
if the suffix is included (where byte 13 is a hyphen as shown
by the app launcher Info menu item).
HSUserName = Dev.HotSyncUserName()
Returns the HotSync user name.
HSUserName as String
Dim HSUserName as String
HSUserName = Dev.HotSyncUserName()
If Hot Sync has never been run, or after a hard reset, this
returns an empty string.
HSUserID = Dev.HotSyncUserID()
Returns the HotSync user ID number.
HSUserID as Integer
Dim HSUserID as Integer
HSUserID = Dev.HotSyncUserID()
The user ID number is a pseudo-random number assigned by
Hot Sync to help warn against using two devices with the
same user name on a given PC. Such can result in co-mingling
or loss of data, so to help avoid it an ID number is assigned
and compared with the desktop.
Kind = Dev.BatteryKind()
Returns the type of battery installed on the device.
Kind as Integer
One of the following values:
0 = Alkaline
1 = NiCad
2 = LiIon
3 = Rechargeable Alkaline
4 = NiMH
5 = LiIon, 1400mah
Dim Kind as Integer
Kind = Dev.BatteryKind()
Pct = Dev.BatteryPct()
Returns the approximate percentage of battery life remaining.
Pct as Integer
Dim Pct as Integer
Pct = Dev.BatteryPct()
This figure is an approximation. Palm OS will issue warnings
when the percentage drops to a certain level, and entirely
force the unit off when critically low in order to attempt to
preserve memory contents until the batteries are replaced.
Volts = Dev.BatteryVolts()
Returns the current battery voltage multipled by 100. For
example, 3.02 volts is returned as 302.
Volts as Integer
Dim Volts as Integer
Volts = Dev.BatteryVolts()
State = Dev.IsPluggedIn()
For rechargeable units, indicates if it is currently plugged in.
State as Integer
0 = not plugged in; 1 = plugged in
Dim State as Integer
State = Dev.IsPluggedIn()
The device may or may not also be in a cradle, or even if in a
cradle it may not have power supplied. See also IsDocked().
State = Dev.IsDocked()
Indicates if device is currently docked to a desktop.
State as Integer
0 = not docked; 1 = docked via cradle or cable
Dim State as Integer
State = Dev.IsDocked()
The device may or may not also be recharging. See also
IsPluggedIn() above. Some units do not support detecting
whether or not they are currently docked.